'Dear Hillary' letters are helping people cope


Well-Known Member
Write a "Letter to Hillary" and you'll be better able to cope.
Didn't you write some stupid poem about it, lol.I hope it helped you,
Meanwhile we'll look forward to watching Donald reneg on his promises one by one, which is already happening not even a week after the election! Lol This is going to be a true shit show:-)


Well-Known Member
Didn't you write some stupid poem about it, lol.I hope it helped you,
Meanwhile we'll look forward to watching Donald reneg on his promises one by one, which is already happening not even a week after the election! Lol This is going to be a true shit show:-)
I'm not a Trump supporter; I just despise Hillary.

So if he's impeached, are you planning to come back as UncleBuck?