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  1. Geozander

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    What part of the rep system was he unhappy with? It was all the neutral rep with negative comments that caused the problem. You can only hit the ignore button if you know who it is, and the guys responsible are changing their screen names several times daily. Constant anon rep comments do get to...
  2. Geozander

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    well if you had recieved the same level of abuse that a few members on here have had over the past month. You would have something to say about it too. It is ridiculous. If you aint part of the solution you are part of the problem.
  3. Geozander

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    Usernamex you really dont have much to say. Why vote to keep Luda on a ban? I have recieved constant harrassment for the part month. And believe me, it really does get to you. Why ban someone who has done nothing wrong.
  4. Geozander

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    i totally agree with you G i will prob be next to go. I am not backing down to there childish nonsense. I have had it constant. There needs to be a bit of solidarity to oust these idiots once and for all! Geo
  5. Geozander

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    think there are loads of people on here blamed Luda for the neg rep comments. It was not him. I have been recieving abuse on threads and through rep comments for over a month now. And he was the only one who was there giving support. Now he has been banned. Where is the justice in that. GET LUDA...
  6. Geozander


    Fuck me! Gonna stop the silly rep comments eh? If you are such a fair woman. Payback? For what like. Aint never done anything to any woman to warrant payback. If you know so much about me, i would love to see the details posted. First error was when you started your comments about my mum. You...
  7. Geozander


    Fuck. That not a good sign! Lol
  8. Geozander


    Fuck ok. I give in, i am getting busted in dec, ok. Will wait for door going in. Thankyou for your help.
  9. Geozander


    How the Fuck is he a cop. Get a grip you lunatic.
  10. Geozander

    Deleting A Profile?

    This is so stupid getting. That it is quite funny, in fact the more posts, the funnier it gets. Take a look at the Fuck thread. You will get a laugh there!
  11. Geozander


    I got a short memory? The Tartan Toker. You must take me for some idiot. I know where you are. Told you that you would slip up eventually. Nice one
  12. Geozander


    You coming for me? You know where you coming? You dont know Fuck all about me. Name yourself. Or remain an anon Shitebag. You are being really silly like. Told you ages ago when you started your shit robin you do not have a clue what you have started.
  13. Geozander


    How does that work like? He dont know nothing about me. Never even spoke to him. So you may need to explain.
  14. Geozander

    Deleting A Profile?

    cheers mate. Part of me staying is out of spite! The guy on just now, dishing out the abuse. Lol
  15. Geozander


    Fuck Not again! You owe me Fuck all. Cut the Fucking shit. Dec way too late. It Fucking gone, moved 2 grows cos of your Fucking grassing. Now i aint gonna get drawn into it, to the point of getting banned.Fuck!
  16. Geozander

    Is your grow kind to Earth? Anyone using clean energy?

    Further to my earlier post saying, i dont use clean energy, after checking it is hydro power. So it is after all, clean!
  17. Geozander

    Deleting A Profile?

    Nah mate. Best site going! Aint gonna let a couple of idiots put me off. Had a rethink! Cheers anyway.
  18. Geozander

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    What have i missed? Luda banned. I been getting the same constant grief. I have seen his rep comments. It gets stressful taking all the bull of the day. People need to see what is going on. I will prob be next to get a ban, for sticking up for myself. Internet gangsters? Makes you laugh it...
  19. Geozander

    Deleting A Profile?

    Yeah something like that man! Too much grief on here now.
  20. Geozander

    Quick Question Regarding Cloning Of Auto-flowering strains

    Do not clone auto strains, it is pointless. From seed only.