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  1. Geozander

    2 FREE seeds at Attitude starting today(no purchase)

    why not? Been using mine for years, for beans, nutes and lighting, and never had a problem. Do not be fooled into thinking that pre paid cards are safe. I use my own legit card, but get everything sent to a diff address.
  2. Geozander

    2 FREE seeds at Attitude starting today(no purchase)

    yeah mate you can use your cc safely. It shows up on your statement as attitude t shirts or something similar.
  3. Geozander

    Deleting A Profile?

  4. Geozander


    just letting off steam! Speaking to robin or whatever name he going by today. Says he Fae Annan not Ayr, makes things easier, its a wee place. He taking things too far. This was a good site when i joined, now thinking Fuck it, its no worth the stress.
  5. Geozander


    Well off to work the noo. Be finished bout 3ish. Will check back then. Aint leaving this shit now. Geo
  6. Geozander


    Fucking grooming? Fuck aint that what you online so much for? You know what i Fucking talking bout. You Nonce Fuck.
  7. Geozander


    Fuck Annan. Fucking even better. Fucking smaller. Fucking e mail you a bullet? Fucking tough guy? Not my Fucking style, Fucking half wit. Will enjoy my Fucking weekend. Fuck yours robin.
  8. Geozander

    Negative rep

    Walking and talking. Sorry i take that one back, that requires a small amount of intelligence.
  9. Geozander

    Negative rep

    Twitching and Bitching
  10. Geozander

    Negative rep

    that is why he gets so abusive. He is rattling for his crack.
  11. Geozander

    Negative rep

    I have a mountain of neg rep, but it dont seem to make my rep total go down?
  12. Geozander

    Negative rep

    One neg rep commented On a member on here Fucking my ma up her arse! She been dead ten year. Minging.
  13. Geozander

    Negative rep

    Got shit loads from same person. Really nasty shit. Water off a ducks back.
  14. Geozander

    Deleting A Profile?

    Can a profile be deleted? If so, how can i do it?
  15. Geozander


    Fuck people who think being anonymous is gonna keep em safe. Fuck people that aint got a clue about what they getting into. Fuck people who insult my family. Fuck Ayr, its a shite hole. Fuck people from the shite hole. FUCK AYR WANKERS
  16. Geozander


    Fucking right mate! Fuck phony homies too!
  17. Geozander

    Can Flowering cause Sinus problems?

    Not bullshit info, only a suggestion. Big difference.
  18. Geozander

    Regular or feminised seeds.

    Cheers for +rep man. It it appreciated mate. Geo