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  1. Dr.Botany

    Veg Pruning videos

    It is BEST in veg, but can be done in flower
  2. Dr.Botany

    Outdoor Newbie, Question about Force Flowering

    Yes, they would re-veg and quite possibly herm (thats a big maybe though) but it will re-veg. Unless you are trying to sex the plant, i would keep doing what you're doing. A non auto flower needs at least 12/12 light to stay in flower. This is an example of a budding plant that was re-vegged off...
  3. Dr.Botany

    WTF did I do wrong?!!!

    Removing the hurt foliage, will cause the plant to fight back harder because you are getting rid of the bump in the road, having all healthy leaves will give it a boost in fighting back by producing more fan leaves to replace the ones that were plucked, other than it try to focus on healing a...
  4. Dr.Botany

    WTF did I do wrong?!!!

    They do act as such, but you want your plant to focus on new growth of "solar panels" other than try to fix the ones that are hurt, so by removing them your plant will have nothing to fix. Defoiling is a tricky subject but in my opinion and experience, it does help. But olny if you have a select...
  5. Dr.Botany

    WTF did I do wrong?!!!

    Shit, id flip em anyway. Id start to worry when it makes its way around the whole plant. Its normal, Just pluck the leaves that look like that off But i think its either a nitrogen or potassium problem.. if it do make its way up to new growth. Other than that i think youll be alright, my man...
  6. Dr.Botany

    WTF did I do wrong?!!!

    Because they look healthy, i wouldnt even stress on those bottom leaves
  7. Dr.Botany

    WTF did I do wrong?!!!

    Are they in flower, my man?
  8. Dr.Botany

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Blue steel, huh? Im going to have to try that strain, that nug looks ridiculously big, my man. Props:peace:
  9. Dr.Botany

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Yeah, its called juicy fruit. I just got my seeds in a bag from an ol timer. I loved the high so i popped em and they turned out to be good beans. But i would suggest to give it a try.:smile: theyre putting out some pretty fat buds. Im happy with it and will definitely do another run with...
  10. Dr.Botany

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Those are some frosty ass nugs, guys. Just saw the thread and said hell, why not. So heres a few pics of one of my Juicy Fruits, going in week 6 of flower
  11. Dr.Botany

    Open Show and Tell 2017-18

    Update on Blue dream & Juicy Fruit
  12. Dr.Botany

    New growth on top of cola

    I too apologize for anything i have said that was disrespectful or anything in that sense. I do appreciate you apoligizing though, shows that your man enough to admit that, and i respect the hell outta that, my man. But again, im sorry on my end as well Hope to see ya around
  13. Dr.Botany

    New growth on top of cola

    No, No. You turned it into something it wasnt, can people really not just have civil, knowledgeable disagreement anymore? I didnt say anything rude nor disrespectful until you started running your mouth first. This definitely couldve went on without that childish ass name calling. Its whatever...
  14. Dr.Botany

    New growth on top of cola

    Good, because your arguements are shit and fun to correct Now good day:peace:
  15. Dr.Botany

    New growth on top of cola

    You are right about the terp production being hindered, my man However, i was not referring to terps at all. I was referring to your statement about cannabis not growing entirely because of temps being above 80, not once did i bring up terps, my friend So yes, maybe you do need to be waayy more...
  16. Dr.Botany

    New growth on top of cola

    *will not Thats also not true, that's strain depedant aswell. Sativas and indicas have grown in different parts of the world, one closer to the equator and the other not. So therefore sativas can be grown in a higher temp enviorment with quality growth
  17. Dr.Botany

    New growth on top of cola

    Thats strain dependant, my friend. I keep temps at 80-85 in flower and they do great, example of that is blue dream does great with higher temps. Co2 and kelp help with higher temps aswell. But saying anything over 80 wont grow is wrong, my friend
  18. Dr.Botany

    New growth on top of cola

    Go inside your tent at dark cycle, and let your eyes adjust to the darkness, once adjusted put your hand out and if you can see your hand theres a light leak somewhere. Thats if its a light problem 90 degrees is to high for flower, but that would cause foxtailing, not so much of re-vegging...
  19. Dr.Botany

    WTF... overwatering?

    How much do you water that 100 gallon?