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  1. darkzero

    Best out of bag/premixed organic soil/super soil ?

    Yep little bit of out and indoor. This yr because of what's going on in Colorado and Michigan I fell all the way back and retired till further notice considering couple ppl on this site are caught up in legal cases even though they have all their legal paperwork which makes it hard for us that...
  2. darkzero

    Best out of bag/premixed organic soil/super soil ?

    Yep in 40 gallon totes. For aeration I add more perlite, sunleaves rocks, coco, red wigglers and earthworms, think rice hulls were in something I used don't remember
  3. darkzero

    Best out of bag/premixed organic soil/super soil ?

    I like your style. I usually have like close to 200 gallons of soil during off season composting, also all my soil has live worms in it while composting and growing
  4. darkzero

    Best out of bag/premixed organic soil/super soil ?

    Yep that's the one. I made my first soil back in 2015 and basically recycle it every winter with vegetable and fruit scraps no citrus fruit other than kiwi every now and then, and it also has coco in it from coir brick.
  5. darkzero

    Best out of bag/premixed organic soil/super soil ?

    I know the wetting agent used makes pro mix non organic can you educate me on anything else with pro mix. I use the ultimate organic one and add amendments when making my own soil from scratch so it can cook for a while.I also use sunshine natural and organic mix at times. I know about Fox farms...
  6. darkzero

    Chuckers paradise......

    Exciting year so far using this SGKM Male to make F2's with my SGKM female, in the meantime waiting for my Sour Rose male to get more developed so I can make F2's of the Sour Rose
  7. darkzero

    States filtering out contaminated Cannabis

    Found an interesting article about how the Industry in Colorado is starting to filter out contaminated Cannabis due to various types of pesticides.
  8. darkzero

    Best out of bag/premixed organic soil/super soil ?

    Exactly its pretty good water only mostly, but you will need flower nutes. I usually use it from start to finish all I feed is high nitro bat guano in veg and high phosporus bat guano in flower
  9. darkzero

    Best out of bag/premixed organic soil/super soil ?

    Pro-mix ultimate organic $6.44 cu ft
  10. darkzero

    Colorado wants to crackdown on home growers

    And they were saying 100lbs couldn't be done
  11. darkzero

    Everything MMA Thread

    here it goes
  12. darkzero

    Everything MMA Thread

    if you didnt see the ppv here it is
  13. darkzero

    Everything MMA Thread

    live stream here '
  14. darkzero

    Everything MMA Thread

    Jones I agree with Cerrone over Lawler I want Woodly to win because he's from my city but realisticly Mia gonna wrap him up like an anaconda
  15. darkzero

    Colorado wants to crackdown on home growers

    Hopefully that helps your case man.
  16. darkzero

    rise of the police state Now organizations police organizations are responding they are not for it, but who is to say a lot of ppl won't still do it
  17. darkzero

    rise of the police state I watched the video and was like did he just encourage violating Civil Rights and Police Brutality. Mind you if this can be done to people, along with sessions rediculous war on weed labeling all of...
  18. darkzero

    Colorado wants to crackdown on home growers

    Someone that dumb should not be a DA