Search results

  1. LEDTonic - Daniel

    What led would you put in a 2x4x5

    I understand that many growers here are very pro HLG, which is fair, but I'd like to throw our LEDTonic Q7 into the mix for you to consider. I'm attaching the PPFD maps of it in a 2x4 space. In terms of light uniformity, I think it's difficult to beat it, even with strips. I'm also overlaying...
  2. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Led grow light questions

    Seems like people got a bit off topic, although the info is valuable for sure. To your question; if 3 inches from canopy is a good idea. The lower your lamp is to your plants, the worse is the spread of light (as photons fall in a chaotic manner). While your bar-light naturally provides a good...
  3. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Trying to find the best grow tent for the light I have

    I see. I always take any "X will replace Y" with a massive pinch of salt because there's no fixed or accurate conversion formula. It primarily comes down to light distribution and how effectively a lamp spreads its light over the area it's intended to be used for. If you have the dual version...
  4. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Another new lighting question. 5x5 tent

    Yea, 320W is for sure a bit lower than generally recommend as well as lower than we typically recommend, but it really comes down to light distribution and not wattage. I a lot of people use the watt/sq ft to decide if a grow light is suitable for a certain grow space and the number that is...
  5. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Another new lighting question. 5x5 tent

    Hey! We generally recommend our Q7 lamp for 4x4' spaces but one of our customers used it in a 5x5' and he was happy with the result. Since then we've improved the lamp to give slightly better coverage and we also worked on heat management so it runs cool without heatsinks now. More info...
  6. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Led strip help

    UV diodes usually wear out much quicker than regular white diodes. I forget the exact estimates but I think it's somewhere around 10.000 hours for UV whereas even poorly made LED grow lights will last about 5 times that long. Some brands even pay so little attention to hardware design that if a...
  7. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Grow heights

    Nets help but plant training wire will likely do the job as well. I wouldn't top after fimming to avoid additional stress on the plants and growth delays. It sounds like you have plenty of colas already and if you want to control the plant, I'd rather LST the branches instead of topping.
  8. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Trying to find the best grow tent for the light I have

    I did a Google search and came to this page: This looks like an industrial grow light with only blue and red diodes (blurple light) so I'd be a bit hesitant using this lamp on...
  9. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Quantum board your thoughts please

    The cables and connections looks like a child put something together so I would be careful in terms of electrical safety. Performance-wise, the driver and diodes are good. The 561C diodes are a bit worse performing than 301B/301H, but the lamp should be plenty bright. At 150W, it should do a...
  10. LEDTonic - Daniel

    First grow is going great, but do my plants look ready to flip to flower? [Pics attached]

    When to flip is more or less a personal choice, I reckon. The longer you let them veg, the larger the plants will grow. You'll likely get a larger yield. But if time is an important factor you'll likely get more grams/days when flipping sooner. I usually let my plants grow a tad bit bigger than...
  11. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Will this be enough power for my babies

    The manufacturer of the light should provide a so called PPFD map. PPFD is another term for light intensity. During flowering you want to aim for 600-900 PPFD. Check with the manufacturer at what distance the lamps produce this intense light. It's impossible to speculate what distance is right...
  12. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Canopy blocking light from lower bud sites & LST

    I wouldn't worry too much about the leaves right now. The branches will move, grow, and stretch as the plant matures. Once you're 4-5 weeks in, then re-visit this thought. Keep LSTing now and then until your plant has put on a bit more size. You're doing well.
  13. LEDTonic - Daniel

    best light for 2x4 && 5x5 grow tent

    Well, I'm a bit biased but our Q7 lamp is an absolute monster in a 2x4' tent. We actually recommend using it in a larger space than 2x4' but if you want maximum light and excellent uniformity, then you might want to check it out. Are you familiar with the term PPFD (light intensity)? If so...
  14. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Light level for autos?

    Hey, I concur about DLI. DLI, for those unfamiliar with the term, is a measurement of light intensity over time. The formula for calculating DLI is: μmol m-2s-1 (or PPFD) x (3600 x photoperiod) / 1,000,000 = DLI (or moles/m2/day) We made a chart that illustrates DLI to make it easier for...
  15. LEDTonic - Daniel

    How to choose the LED light?

    Thanks! I can't find any PPFD maps for the 680 but if you're aware of its light distribution I'd love to hear how you think it compares to our Q7: Keep in mind that the Q7 runs at 320W so an honest comparison would probably be 2x Q7s (640W)...
  16. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Hlg scorpion r spec intensity question.....

    The values in the map above are measured at a 12" distance. It would be difficult to speculate how the PPFD values changes if the distance is increased to 18". 18" would give a more even light distribution but since HLG does not provide PPFD maps on 18" then we have no way of determining what...
  17. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Help with lighting after 3 weeks of 24-hour

    My bad! I was a bit too quick there. Thanks for pointing it out. Yes, sorry. Autos do flip on their own. But they still benefit from a bit of darkness, especially after 4 weeks.
  18. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Too much?

    It does look crowded but I hear you about not wanting to get rid off plants :). The risks with a crowded tent are that plants will steal light from one another (or rather block light from reaching) which could reduce total growth compared to having fewer plants. A very crowded tent also reduces...
  19. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Help with lighting after 3 weeks of 24-hour

    Your plants will only switch to flowering phase when they get 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of darkness. It's recommended to give a couple of hours of darkness each night in veg, too. Do a slow switch. Start with 1 hr, then the next day 1.5 hrs, the day after 2hrs, and so on until you're at 4-6...
  20. LEDTonic - Daniel

    Hlg scorpion r spec intensity question.....

    Hey! HLG releases very little light intensity (PPFD) information about their newer lights. If you're unfamiliar with PPFD, do a quick Google search. It's essentially light intensity quantified. I was able to find a PPFD map here...