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  1. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    I like their site. I try to buy as much locally as I can, but I'm sure I will be using some of their supplies
  2. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    I guess this is per plant. I’ll apply and report back as I see results. Thanks again for the info
  3. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    Is this a per plant basis? Sounds like it by the ewc reccs. All of the “all in” amendments like roots organic and down to earth have really minimal amounts (1-2 tsp) of their mixes.
  4. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    You don't need anything more p or k heavy towards the end?
  5. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    I'm doing a lot of reading. Trying to take it slow where i understand and can try things out in real time. My grow right now in in a small 3x3 tent, but i will be able to use the outside once the weather shifts
  6. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    Yes, the 7G are my final pot for this round. I repotted from 1G a little early, but the girls are really happy. I can't believe those Jobe spikes are the deal! I think i saw you mention them somewhere else. I will grab all this stuff tomorrow. I'm gonna use up the rest of the Big Bloom and start...
  7. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    Wow! This is amazing! Thanks so much. I am definitely planning on building my own soil next grow. I am trying to aggregate info on where/how to go. That was a whole different rabbithole! I was putting together a list for Koots soil, and then stumbled upon a thread that said it didn't work in...
  8. Nwtexan

    Please help well intentioned grower get a toehold in the organic world! topdress and tea---

    Hello, I've spent the last couple of weeks reading, reading, reading; books, threads, etc, trying to not ask "dumb" questions. I've been searching through the organic forums, as well as wearing google down trying to get a good tack to go on. I am mid grow with a successful(to me) first...
  9. Nwtexan

    Settle this please. temp needs for LED

    This seems pretty easy to follow to me. I spent the last few days reading VPD charts and getting a bit of a grasp. I find it pretty helpful as a baseline for my grow and it helps to take out the fuzzy difference between newer more efficient LEDs and older HID's. Makes total sense and nice to...
  10. Nwtexan

    Settle this please. temp needs for LED

    As someone that isn't super educated in these areas, but likes learning about stuff, it's interesting to try to figure out what is right, and where to point the compass. I think because of the legality, there hasn't been as much research and then folks have come up with their own methodologies...
  11. Nwtexan

    Settle this please. temp needs for LED

    I’ve been trying to get some traction on this as well, and like a lot of areas in this field, the more I try to figure out, the less I understand<g
  12. Nwtexan

    Amending 3x4 growtent to Maximize space. Perfect!

    I'm really digging my 3x4 tent. Right now just using the main chamber, but will be taking some clones from these ladies in a couple of weeks before I flip. The second smaller space isn't set up the best. It's split in the middle and I wanted more height more vegetative and a smaller space for...
  13. Nwtexan

    slightly droopy, twisting leaves of seedling

    @LordEnki How are your plants doing?
  14. Nwtexan

    light green along midrib with a few brown spots

    My plants are doing much better. Looks like whatever was happening with the 2 regarding the spots is dissipating. I transplanted into 7G pots and replaced my 100W with my 200W. Gonna keep them like this until flip and then will include my 400 HPS in flowering
  15. Nwtexan

    slightly droopy, twisting leaves of seedling

    Here is my thread for comparison. Same issue
  16. Nwtexan

    light green along midrib with a few brown spots

    So, as an update, I am top dressing the plants with 2 tsp each of dolomite. I know this isn't an instant solution, but I'm trying to go slow and make sure that I'm not creating more problems. I do think the soil is on the low side of PH Ive also added dolomite to my soil mix, which i will be...
  17. Nwtexan

    slightly droopy, twisting leaves of seedling

    Because we have pretty soft water(75PPM) I have been adding a small amount of Calmag to my water. This was recommended by Ed Rosenthal in his book on growing to get water to an optimal starting point. I think the dosage I use is so small(1 1/2ml) and brings it up to a level that is lower than...
  18. Nwtexan

    slightly droopy, twisting leaves of seedling

    I’m not able to help necessarily, but am having almost exactly the same issues. I’ve got the light green spots along the midrib, with some turning brown. I am thinking that it may be a calcium/magnesium thing. My soil(happy frog) is testing at 6 with a slurry test, and it looks like calcium and...
  19. Nwtexan

    light green along midrib with a few brown spots

    Hello, I am having what I think is maybe a calcium/magnesium deficiency. Light green along midrib, mostly in leaves that are getting some light. I've got the same in both plants. There are a few brown spots, also close to the midrib -I am growing indoors, with LED(currently 100W). The light is...
  20. Nwtexan

    mottled and canoing leaves on young veg

    I dig the par meter. Cool to see for myself how lights actually perform. I have a vivosun 200 for instance that has crazy light. The numbers I get are in line with what they say(lots of debate about the specs on those chinese lights) So far I’m able To get away with the temp controller and keep...