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  1. L

    What's causing my leaves to curl under at tips ?

    Yeah it seems to soak in nice , I give it maybe about a litre wait 20 mins then give it the rest and it seems to take it well , I've never had run off when feeding . I also started feeding a small amount from the bottom incase the water wasn't seeping all the way through as I'm nervous to keep...
  2. L

    What's causing my leaves to curl under at tips ?

    I give them 2 /3 litre water with ph perfect technology , 4ml per litre of water . Been doing this every 3 days and by that time the soil is bone dry . Read today I'm best not letting it dry out so much before I feed it so I'll try a little less water but every 2 days ?
  3. L

    What's causing my leaves to curl under at tips ?

    Yes I caught that ...but how could I be watering to frequently when the soil is bone dry ? I will try a little less water but water every two days as opposed to 3 , see how that goes and just keep trying to twerk it if need be ! The tips seem to stay curled but the drooping of the stems ect...
  4. L

    What's causing my leaves to curl under at tips ?

    My soil is always bone dry when I water , every 2 to 3 days and I never have any run off when watering , that's why I thought I might be under watering , I'll back off with it though and maybe only give it a litre and a half each feed
  5. L

    What's causing my leaves to curl under at tips ?

    Yeah defo female , showing signs of pre flowering .just the curling at the tips is really concerning me ...anything that looks out of place does to be fair as it's my first attempt lol . Thanks , I'll drop it down a little , much appreciated
  6. L

    Cause of curling leaves?

    I'm 8 weeks on Monday into veg , using perfect 7 soil (perlite ) and ph perfect technology. 4ml per litre of water and feeding around 3 litre water per plant, I never get any fun off however being new to this I'm afraid to over water even though my instinct is to give it more . The small bushy...
  7. L

    What's causing my leaves to curl under at tips ?

    So I'm 8 weeks on Monday into veg. Using pro 7 soil and perfect ph technology . I've been mixing me feed 4ml per litre and giving plants 3 litre water each . The small bushy heavy grape is looking great but the other few especially the tall backlava isn't looking great , my instinct is I'm...
  8. L

    First grow

    Yes normally they do however I fed it some water yesterday and they haven't perked up yet , I think I have added to many nutrients to the water so hopefully will sort it's self out if just given water the next two feeds .
  9. L

    First grow

    Excellent, thanks very much .
  10. L

    First grow

    Thanks for your help .
  11. L

    First grow

    I definitely will , hopefully I haven't if so just be water for a good while ....
  12. L

    First grow

    This is what I'm using , cheers.
  13. L

    First grow

    Yeah sorry I mean six ml not 60
  14. L

    First grow

    I will post a pic of this too in five mins , thanks again for your help
  15. L

    First grow

    Thanks for the tip
  16. L

    First grow

    Yeah well the soil does seem dry to fingers depth but the pots don't feel overlay light yet .. .
  17. L

    First grow

    I don't , I'll post a picture of the product and manufacture guideline in ten mins though ..
  18. L

    First grow

    I was told to look for 20/30% as this clears the salt build up ? So confusing ahhhh ....
  19. L

    First grow

    Yeah , it says 4ml per litre of water for each , however coz not in bloom I was advised to cut that back 10 ml untill in bloom then raise it the same
  20. L

    First grow

    I no over watering will more than likely kill them that's why so hesitant