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  1. L

    Time to flush ?

    I've just read a little into the no flush technique , really worries I'll end up with a chemically tasting few plants though ? Obviously it's my first grow so I'm only going on advice of old school growers who have always flushed , I thought it was the norm to flush , thanks been a learning...
  2. L

    Time to flush ?

    I'll look into it in the morning , I was hoping it was gonna be a quick and simple process , but I'll go science the shit oot it tomoz , cheers dude
  3. L

    Time to flush ?

    Soz dude , first grow and all , don't know if ya don't ask lol. I mean I ken it's no rocket science but at same time assuming it's no just as easy as chucking buckets eh water through it for 2 week ....or is it lol
  4. L

    Time to flush ?

    I haven't had any run off whilst feeding
  5. L

    Time to flush ?

    Why is that ?
  6. L

    Time to flush ?

    I start flushing tomorrow, in line with recommended timescale from seed , do they look good to flush ? Any tips on best way for doing this ? Do I want alot of excess run off ect ?? I was told to give it a proper soaking the first time ? Cheers .
  7. L

    Hermied ??

    I will do , thanks very much . I post all the time coz I'm always panicking about something , all a learning curve the first time I guess! Thanks again for the input
  8. L

    Hermied ??

    Thanks, yes they have another 5 weeks and 4 days left , cheers again .
  9. L

    Hermied ??

    Much appreciated
  10. L

    Hermied ??

  11. L

    Hermied ??

    Phew lol
  12. L

    Hermied ??

    Yes basically six weeks near enough left , do they seem to be going okay then do you think ?
  13. L

    Hermied ??

    What the single picture above your comment or the 4 pics I posted in the thread ?
  14. L

    Hermied ??

    Thanks, I've just had a read about it , from what I've seen quickly it's saying because they are about ready the harvest ? They are 10 weeks from seed and 5 weeks in so should they be swelling up so soon ? I'll read more into it tomorrow obviously, thanks for reply !
  15. L

    Hermied ??

    I hate to say but I'm honestly not clued up , first grow and learning as I go really, what would be the cause of that do you reckon ? Do I not need to worry too much about it ?
  16. L

    Hermied ??

    My first grow , 5 week into flowering and I've noticed little balls on some parts, do these look like anything I should be concerned about ? Cheers.
  17. L

    First grow, 4 week flowering

    Some man , thanks much appreciated
  18. L

    First grow , 4 week flowering

    Okay , thanks
  19. L

    First grow, 4 week flowering

    I am 4 weeks today into flowering , just looking on advice as to whether I need to give these another right good trim job or not . Read not to cut any sugar leafs off but I do feel as though they need another good cut back. Is this okay to do 4 weeks into flowering? I don't want to stress them...
  20. L

    First grow , 4 week flowering

    I am 4 weeks into flowering and I was thinking I need to give my plants another good trim this a good idea whilst a few weeks into flowering , I've been told not to cut any sugar leafs off ? Any tips appreciated, cheers again.