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  1. J

    Buying First Seeds

    As his question has mostly been answered, how about the best strain of sativa or sativa/indica mix higher on the sativa side. Will be placing first order soon and want to laugh my head off. thanks
  2. J

    DIY Aeroponics made easy! (and <$40)

    was wondering if anyone ever carried a crop through with this system? It just stopped with no end results that I can tell.
  3. J

    Males Into Cannabutter?

    just try it and see, i've used males to make hash oil and it got me high so i would think it would make cannabutter. Maybe add twice/three times as much plant material to the recipe. It may not taste great but there are so many things you can eat it with "that cover" up the taste. Really some...
  4. J

    1st Grow... Working with what I got!

    I used reflector clip on light fixtures from lowes (5-7.00). Had to remove the reflector as the cfl's wouldn't fit with them on but would probably have burnt plant anyway. Just the bulb touching the leaves have burnt where touching. I attach the clips to my pots so that I can move them for lower...
  5. J

    Newbie ? about heat/sexing/potency

    Thanks Buds, I did get my temp up to 70 and it's 30 out so that will help alot I think, although now that the snow has melted from the rain we had the basement humidity is back up to 65, but it's been higher with no mold. I've got the fan and heater going to dry it out some. It's really fun and...
  6. J

    Newbie ? about heat/sexing/potency

    is this a ridiculous question and that's why no ones answering?
  7. J

    Newbie ? about heat/sexing/potency

    Well I am a newbie, so what about the question as to whether the plants may or may not be more potent because of growing slower, they are I understand not as tall or as thick as alot of pics I see on this site, but concidering the conditions that they live in I think they look very healthy. I...
  8. J

    Newbie ? about heat/sexing/potency

    yes, but the basement is unfinished with no heat until this electic heater, house duct work runs in attic so no help from that.
  9. J

    Newbie ? about heat/sexing/potency

    Hi Guys and Gals, I've had four plants on 12/12 for close to 4 weeks, one is definitely a hermie so I've moved it to another area upstairs from ones in basement. Basement has been staying about 55 degrees except last night went down to 47. Got a dehumidifier and it's staying between 47 and 75...
  10. J

    Hey man, I had this long message i wrote to you and then tried to send it and my internet...

    Hey man, I had this long message i wrote to you and then tried to send it and my internet connection wouldn't let it go through. I'm tired of typing now so I'll just say good luck with your grow. What part (not town) of Ky do you live. I live in south central. Around the mammoth cave area.
  11. J

    Is this a hermie

    Both plants?
  12. J

    Is this a hermie

    Plant 3
  13. J

    Is this a hermie

    Hope these are better, this is plant 1 it has preflowers with white hairs
  14. J

    Is this a hermie

    sorry guys, on my pc they open up full screen, i'll work on close views
  15. J

    Is this a hermie

    Hey guys and gals, I've got 4 plants I've had on 12/12 for 2 wks now. Two I can't see any indication of what they are. as a beginner and older woman with bad eye sight (i use my age when I can, lol) i was hoping someone could tell me what I've got in the two that are showing sex. I think the...
  16. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Need help, have 4 plants that went into 12/12 1 1/2 weeks ago. "Absolutely" have to go into flower room for about 20 min. What will this do to the plants? Also, I am 100% sure 2 are females but can't tell on the other 2. Read where males usually show first so does this 100% mean others are...
  17. J

    will this flourescent light work?

    How the heck do I keep the pics from seperating my words?
  18. J

    will this flourescent light work?

    This is how they look 10 days later
  19. J

    will this flourescent light work?

    Hey Guys and Gals, Just wanted to show you what my growing under flourescent looks like. And yes that is clones I started 4 days ago ( one off of each smaller plant as I think the larger one may be a male ) did it by cutting, dip end in water, dip end in root grow, stick clone into soil (mGrow)...
  20. J

    How redneck can you get

    Forgot pictures