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  1. SageOfUrna

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    God man the guy who came up to speak on the talk show at the end made the hair stand on my balls..... holy shit.
  2. SageOfUrna

    Broken main stem

    yeah im not the original poster...... and thats called light buddy. Next time read the first post of the topic.
  3. SageOfUrna

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    My only reason for 'why' and it's kind of out there is because they wanted us to farm gold for there technology and for there resources. But now here's something interesting and im not to up on it however but there was a interesting video i found about the human chromosomes and a lot of science...
  4. SageOfUrna

    need help badly

    Yeah i live in the north east and never had my package tampered with. They have some extra stealth options if you want to spend some extra money but your package wont get tampered with.
  5. SageOfUrna

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    Talking out of your ass than haha or just pushing for a higher post count. Dont contribute to a topic if you aren't willing to converse
  6. SageOfUrna

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    Can you elaborate? You kind of lost me when you said UFO activity is held in the same part as the brain as religion and super-natural?
  7. SageOfUrna

    bodhi seeds

    So, I'm working on making a outdoor plot and will be using all Bodhi seeds next grow season what would you guys recommend as a must?
  8. SageOfUrna

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    You think its just a coincidence that people see aliens and spiritual life beings? It's not just joe shmo it's anyone who has taken a high dose of shrooms or small dose of DMT. I was kind of convinced after being appreciated by aliens for being open minded and trying there fungi that they put...
  9. SageOfUrna

    Broken main stem

    Hey! I had a similar incident this growing season outdoors. Unfortunately she wilted away and died but that could have been because it was unintended for a day before I caught it. I would use some tape and apply it around your stem to allow it to stay moist and not get woody.
  10. SageOfUrna

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    Very interesting read. I had all the same thoughts about the Egyptian civilizations. Thanks for the video
  11. SageOfUrna

    need help badly

    I really prefer Attitude Seed Bank. Have been using them for a year without any issues and a very fast delivery and quick customer service.
  12. SageOfUrna

    EBOLA: Now your'e f*****

    Im going to say last night i got really stoned and im one to believe in predictable propaganda. I saw a episode of Futrurama (aka Future Drama) and in the very first season and one of the first episodes the objective was to "Visit Ebola, the virus planet" and solve a epidemic. For those...
  13. SageOfUrna

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    I believe that humans were genetically modified by a higher and smarter life form. With us now having the technology to genetically modify food and organisms who are we to say we werent genetically modified. The extraterrestrial creation theory like the "Enuma Elish" which was by a summeritan...
  14. SageOfUrna

    Whats good guys

    Ay, whats going on guys. Grower here from the north east reppin. Whats good with you guys here at RIU? I'm a pretty chill and laid back trippy dude hoping to meet others like that. Come check my grow journal up once i get it up. Keep it real and stay true.