Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

Actually, nature DOES grow in straight lines. Sometimes.

Case in point:


Seems odd that certain chemical reactions can take place in nature resulting in objects that seem to have been created by man, or some other intelligent source. And yet, many crystal structures seem to have the straight lines and angles only found on man / intelligent made objects.

Nature's a tricky bitch.

Yeah ok crystals do, you got me there. But not anything else I can think of.
So all of you guys believe there is nothing else in this massive universe? Have you never taking large amounts of mushroom or drank Ayahuasca? How can people be so simple minded?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we are not alone in the cosmos. Matter of fact, I would go so far as to say that the mathematical probability of being the ONLY floating rock with life in the cosmos is pretty much ZERO.

The evidence clearly indicates that we are frequently visited by alien life, and we have been for probably as long as we've existed.
I believe that humans were genetically modified by a higher and smarter life form. With us now having the technology to genetically modify food and organisms who are we to say we werent genetically modified. The extraterrestrial creation theory like the "Enuma Elish" which was by a summeritan story.

Also if you really learn and understand our DNA functions it will make you second think things. Did you know there are as many building blocks in our DNA as there are stars in our solar system? Open your eyes.
So all of you guys believe there is nothing else in this massive universe? Have you never taking large amounts of mushroom or drank Ayahuasca? How can people be so simple minded?

So now any information we fabricate in our own minds while tripping balls is now considered arguable against reality?

Good luck with those aliens.
So now any information we fabricate in our own minds while tripping balls is now considered arguable against reality?

Good luck with those aliens.

You think its just a coincidence that people see aliens and spiritual life beings? It's not just joe shmo it's anyone who has taken a high dose of shrooms or small dose of DMT.

I was kind of convinced after being appreciated by aliens for being open minded and trying there fungi that they put here. There wa s a point where they sauid "I cant believe this dude is trying this hell yeah" Same thing with ergot and lsd it's a fungus. Those aliens mad and there fungi. I use to think stoners were very open minded and while some are most are very closed minded and ignorant and I saw that after tripping.

Psychedelics arent about getting 'fucked up' and you proved to me that you dont bring anything back with you thats meaningful after tripping. What takes place in your mind is the reality and those are words of Terence Mckenna. Your body is a slave for your mind.
I want you to go to google maps type in Saipan zoom in and look a little to the right in the water. Wtf is that?
Its vital that Americans actually believe this UFO shit,
the school teacher told us at class when I was about 15,
simply because they having nothing else to believe in...
and years later I find it totally true, especially since then, advance in neural behavior
have been made that suggest , and very much so,
that UFO activity in the brain is held in the same part as religion and the super-natural
Its vital that Americans actually believe this UFO shit,
the school teacher told us at class when I was about 15,
simply because they having nothing else to believe in...
and years later I find it totally true, especially since then, advance in neural behavior
have been made that suggest , and very much so,
that UFO activity in the brain is held in the same part as religion and the super-natural

Can you elaborate? You kind of lost me when you said UFO activity is held in the same part as the brain as religion and super-natural?