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  1. chuckduck

    Family friend raising money for CBD therapy in Colorado

    You can check out the specifics at the gofundme website. I've know this family for years and they have been through a lot. To see your child mentally decline has to be horrible. They are raising money to try the CBD therapy in Colorado that was shown on CNN's special with Sanjay Gupta. Any...
  2. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Malted means the barley has already been sprouted and dried. It's was ground up at the homebrew store. So now all I have to do is add some to water and aerate right?
  3. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    I have about ten pounds of ground malted barley that I never used in a batch of homebrew. I've read here and there barley is good for a tea. Just wanted to ask you guys if and how I could put this to good use.
  4. chuckduck

    Back in the Saddle

    Yeah. Along with some White Jones (kromes cut) that just started flower now too. I have the GSC in a 20 gallon pot and have been vegging it awhile. Can't wait to see what the hypes about.
  5. chuckduck

    Back in the Saddle

    Nice to see the SFV OG as I have that same clone finishing up now and might take it down tomorrow. Starting flowering my GSC about a week ago. It's pretty cool to be able to compare genetically identical plants.
  6. chuckduck

    Do we really want it legal ?

    My example was to show that the Feds can make restrictive laws and used distilling alcohol as an example. Your above example is not distillation (according to the laws the above link would be considered a wine). It is against the law to distill alcohol in the home. Homebrewing only a...
  7. chuckduck

    Do we really want it legal ?

    Are you assuming that you will still be able to grow at home? It could go the route of liquor. No more homegrown and only commercial manufacturers allowed and they have to be able to jump through all the Federal hoops.
  8. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Well it just occurred to me that I could just cut my supersoil with promix or coco to make a base soil right?
  9. chuckduck

    moving, how to safely move plants in cold weather?

    Those temperatures won't be a problem.
  10. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Hey gang. I'm in my third week of cooking my super soil. It's a bit cool in my basement so its going to probably take a little longer than a month. I found a great local source for worm castings at a great price. So now I want to give mixing my own base soil a shot. I want to reuse the soil...
  11. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    This is why I'm finding organics to be so tricky. I'm used to hydro and have burned stuff in the past. I'm very afraid to over fertilize my plants. With hydro is easy to measure this and that because you start with water and can measure your inputs (to a degree). Long story short organics...
  12. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Thanks for all the tips. You're going to be seeing a lot of me. I've got an old carbon filter and I've been reading a lot about biochar. Would there be a benefit to me to crack open the filter and put some of the charcoal in my now cooking super soil?
  13. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    I'm going for the whole living soil thing. Doing a lot of reading and I'm getting obsessive about it. Make a tea at the moment now with some EWC and honey (some dark buckwheat from a beekeeper buddy - didn't have any molasses). I have to pick up a few things at the grow store to make a better...
  14. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    So if chlorine will dissipate if bubbled overnight and chloramines aren't an issue then it looks like tap water is a go.
  15. chuckduck

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Found this article online. I'm always digging to find the science behind things we believe to be true as growers. Everywhere I read says that municipal water is bad because of chloramine and chlorine. This info relates to chloramine and is from Cornell University. There are references that I'll...
  16. chuckduck

    After harvest raid ( get it away from grow spot immediately after harv)

    Yktind: Just giving by you lumping all the unions together and painting them with one broad brush and generalizations shows you don't know much about them.
  17. chuckduck

    Silk Road: not so silky

    There have been articles about SR in mainstream media for years. The cat was out of the bag awhile ago. The guy did some really stupid thugs and got caught. There are other marketplaces still up and others coming. Like a hydra, chop off its head and more will take its place.
  18. chuckduck

    Building a DIY co2 set up from meijer!

    $65 can get you a decent sized tank. They are in the metro Detroit area so it's an easy drive for me and saves shipping g. Seems a lot easier to turn on and off. A lot easier to upgrade as you get a few extra bucks.
  19. chuckduck

    Iron Labs Testing

    I hope my post gets some attention and careful consideration. Please keep in mind I have no skin in the game and have never kept plants around with powdery mildew (PM plants grow like shit). I have always been a person who has asked why/how things work. Before the internet I would look up and...
  20. chuckduck

    iGrow system

    Nevermind: sold all four on craigslist.