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  1. GreenJoker

    Does Anybody Else lift weights stoned?

    what kind of workout would you do? I'm finding this interesting, because rolling another one, is enough effort for me stoned :lol:
  2. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Reminds me of the 90's :lol:
  3. GreenJoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Nice way of putting it! Haha Aye, I'm moving off the HPS myself. I used similar LED's in NY during summers though. Didn't maybe last just as long as branded LED's, but far lighter on the pocket. Aye I seen those ones, would they be worth while though? They're always such small output. I was...
  4. GreenJoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    This is the ones I went for. No idea what they're actually like, give me a month or so on that one.
  5. GreenJoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Ordered a set of 300w x4 for just over £200 on eBay. Couldn't be bad to that either way.
  6. GreenJoker

    would these pots work for plants?

    water might pass through the perlite too quickly though, a soil mix could clog her up. Have you thought about DWC for the autos? I mean considering their life span I'd be pushing all I could put of them. That pot, has actually blown my mind. :shock: Good luck with the grow
  7. GreenJoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    He's making the point that the medium should be light & airy as apposed to thick with soil or a premix compost. Very few of those composts actually have, what these plants need & can do more harm than good. Other guys would mix organic nutes into layered soil, so the pot as everything the...
  8. GreenJoker

    got jipped by dispensary..

    Currently smoking an average of 14grams per week. Costs £130 a half. Not bad by all means, but the quality would make my Mammy cry. I've to smoke 2-3 joints to get a good indica kick. In NY I'd smoke 1/4 a week at around $80. But the quality was so much better, I miss quality over quantity so...
  9. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

  10. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Haha, the trick is...liquid soap ;)
  11. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm set up to start a run in March, I'm thinking about a second grow, to transplant outside late May. It'll be interesting, never attentpted an outdoor. But I hear fresian dew from Dutch passion thrives in our general Lat. How's the clones growing lad?
  12. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Haha, Zeddd what's the craic lad? It come up in a general discussion today & it's something I can't find an answer to. Do you know anyone that was caught or what happens lad?
  13. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Do those laws apply to Northern Ireland lad? Because, I mean guys are caught here with large scale set ups, 200+ plants....and they're home in time for dinner.
  14. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Are you serious? Is that for a set amount of plants? & I'd assume they confiscate the set up? If they're this slack, it'll be legal.
  15. GreenJoker

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Lads, out of curiosity can anyone tell me what would happen if you were caught growing? I remember back in the day it was a knee cap job, but I remember in Northern Ireland over say the last ten years, anyone caught growing large commercial scale seem to be released by the police....
  16. GreenJoker

    The Goo

    @DaSprout cheers lad
  17. GreenJoker

    The Goo

    Out of curiosity, where could one find the kit? Or what exactly I'd need, to grow my own. (Got a kit back years ago, shrooms grew, but we didn't trip)
  18. GreenJoker

    The Goo

    An O of shrooms in Ireland/uk will go from around £180 -220 Per ounce, decent home grown, £150 aprox $220. Dank £200. Prices & substances are soooo different from the US.
  19. GreenJoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Really? I'd heard great things about the GG#4. The GSC I found was a pretty small yielder, but the quality was amazing. What was your set up with the GG4?
  20. GreenJoker

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    :lol: You got me there fein. You weren't lying either, the yanks would be a bit more chancy like but that's easy said when it's legal in states too. Can't blame people being cautious either like, I'm not going to hound, but out of curiosity. In terms of clone only strains, I'm assuming there's...