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  1. GreenJoker

    whats the best way to smoke this?

    Never heard Limey before. But deffenitly an Irish thing. Not because it's too harsh, if someone said that id slap the shite out them. It's how I learnt, not sure why. Americans were always puzzled to see it, but they got into it too. As long as you use a light tobacco, you'll not even...
  2. GreenJoker

    whats the best way to smoke this?

    I'm Irish, we do it because weed is rarer here, & it's harder again to find decent pot. I mean I was getting better stuff in the US in the 80's. Most Irish smoke tobacco. It's how we do it. Different strokes, for different folks.
  3. GreenJoker

    Have you owned a business/company?

    What the hell is going on with this thread, is was about business. Not what we pay employees or why.... Next one that bickers about taxes, or mentions pay, I'm sending them dick pics. bongsmilie
  4. GreenJoker

    Ride safe...

    How were you when you come off? How was the bike? I'd a Kawasaki about twenty five odd years ago now, you couldn't pay me to take one out now though lol My sons been looking at bikes in the New York City area, I might buy him a 4x4 after seeing your post lol
  5. GreenJoker

    Ride safe...

    Nice bike bud, Yamaha R6? Stay safe, it's not just your own driving you gotta watch, it's everyone else too.
  6. GreenJoker

    first grow my plants are dieing!!

    You got these two days ago? They're probably stressed & look a little over watered more than anything. Your killing them with kindness, close it up & go get a beer. Time is a healer
  7. GreenJoker

    Got guns?

    No it's the entire thing. You know those two tone airsoft? That's all I can own legally. Hopefully this site though, might be able to do something for me.
  8. GreenJoker

    my first

    If you want to, there are books. But, I don't really think you'd need one. You'll find any information you'll need on this site, & if you can't find it just ask. Read through a few conversations, ask other growers about their set up for examples. Even gorilla seed bank have an account here...
  9. GreenJoker

    Got guns?

    @srh88 you seem dedicated to finding me something. I'm on that site now, the south is different from the north, but they can be talked to with a few extra notes. I might not have to, hopefully I can get the wood grain & not the two tone plastic.
  10. GreenJoker

    Got guns?

    No, I actually think your right. If I went back to the states, I probably could. But I've moved back home in Ireland to retire to be honest. Looked into those airsoft exact replica, just for the appearance above a fireplace. I can only get a fucking bright orange the two tone...
  11. GreenJoker

    Got guns?

    I'd like to think so to be honest, but it's something I haven't looking into or followed since I moved home, I'd be afraid of bring it all up again. & yes. But as I said, it was a lifetime ago now. That group has gone. & im done with it. Haha kid, you are actually crazy! But, I wish I knew...
  12. GreenJoker

    Got guns?

    There's more to it I'm afraid. It was in the UK, over thirty years ago. But due to on going terrorism I'm fudged. I fought it in the 90's from America, but was more or less told very nicely to fuck off. I fought it again in 97, when the good Friday agreement come in, but no luck then either...
  13. GreenJoker

    HELP! I can't not toke her

    Upgrade to a HPS or LED light. Then, throw the auto out the window & order photoperiod beans.
  14. GreenJoker

    Have you owned a business/company?

    I own a construction business in Northern Ireland, currently employ 19 full time staff & hire in sub contractors as required. In New York in the 90's I was making $1400 cash a week, mon-fri My son is paid $1200 a week in New York now. He's in the construction trade also. He started with a...
  15. GreenJoker

    Got guns?

    I've never been allowed to legally own a weapon. So jealous of you guys now.
  16. GreenJoker

    sherrif ouside your house

    My oldest son moved to New York in 2013, my heart is in my mouth incase he decides to try growing. I call twice a day, text & email on FB. I visited him in sept 2015, he took me to another guys apartment in Bronx where there was a grow set up in a basement. I've been to prison, twice. I've...
  17. GreenJoker

    my first

    I'm with $bk, your on the right track & your hands on approach is brilliant, but with just a little guidence & understanding, you'll grow great ganja. Focus on mediums, regular soil isn't great, it'll grow, but not to its full potential. Miracle grow, will work. But it doesn't contain what...
  18. GreenJoker

    sherrif ouside your house

    Phew! Because In prison, time isn't the only thing that's hard :lol:
  19. GreenJoker

    Happy Birthday 420God!!

    Happy birthday big guy, have a good one.
  20. GreenJoker

    Does Anybody Else lift weights stoned?

    If she says she's "on top" she's on fucking top :lol: