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  1. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    good lookin out! im gone have to look into that...I heard they have a tape called guerilla tape too dont know how good it works in the sun but im sure the zip ties will hold shit together good. any suggestions on poking the holes in the pvc? its kind of thick because its the "conduit electrical...
  2. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    @ gioua yeah the 1st couple of pics and the last pic in the top right hand corner is the blueberry headband and planted it in really thick clay like soil due to running out of soil. I thought that was the reason for the slow growth(could be a reason) but I got a clone off of it and ill try again...
  3. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    UPDATE!!.......just started a new green house for the winter crop. Ill complete it soon but I need to figure out a way to keep the plastic tarp secure on the pvc...I believe the duct tape will not be a good Idea due to temps and wind but, check me out!:-P
  4. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    hey abm sorry for taking so long to respond, I just saw this post today due to me doing an update:wall:...I am mobile tho. also I still have those seeds if u want em you can just have em for nothin, ill bring em threw if u want. hit me up bro!
  5. shynee mac

    Friendly 12/12 from seed - Micro pot / Party cup - CFL competition / battle

    two pineapple kush seeds, sprouted on 8-3-12 started at 24/0 cfl on 18/6 65 watts...hoping for a female seed still stuck to the leaf on the first picture
  6. shynee mac

    White Widow Question

    leave em be......they will do just fine outside normally. you will actually see your buds forming in the next couple weeks...good luck shynee mac
  7. shynee mac

    Take a look at this please dont know how i could have possibly messed up this much

    how do you save pollen? not being sarcastic, I know its possible, I really just dont know how to do it.:?:
  8. shynee mac

    Desert Watering

    you can spray/mist your plants in the morning just dont mist too much. misting is a form of foiler feeding and too much plain water will only leach the neutrients out of your leaves resulting in lowering your nuets. I would mist every few days, and water daily in small amounts on hot days.:leaf...
  9. shynee mac

    late grow so cal

    depending on strain, you should be cool at november in so cal....if your in L.A. etc. , where it does not snow. if u still think it will get to cold or worry about rain fall build a green house. I built a nice little green house out of pvc pipes and duct tape.get some plastic material and make...
  10. shynee mac

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    yeah it could be alot of work making multiple but they are worth the work, good luck! :leaf:
  11. shynee mac

    2012 Harvest pictures

    the 3rd harvest`s buds look tasty:weed:
  12. shynee mac

    are clones supposto look like this?

    your good your plants are in re-veg right now. your growth will be stunted a little but will pick back up a produce regular leaves...dont stress about it you should be good in a few weeks
  13. shynee mac

    Purps.GDP.lemon og.1600 watts

    yeah id love to have that land, but im with you on being a city boy!
  14. shynee mac

    Just to let you outdoor growers know--there out there look now!

    if they see a small grow im sure they will ignore it "BUT" keep there eyes open. wow what if one of the pilots medicate ? alot of people are in trouble, im thinkin about growin some bammer outside a green house as a cover up...IJS:leaf:
  15. shynee mac

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    CLEEEEEan!.......last year my dad made walking sticks/cane`s . he sanded them good and got small 5 leaf leaves, stuck them to the cane and put shalack chilack how ever you spell it. glossed em up, made em look good and gave em away. he only made 7 canes but they were so clean I want to make...
  16. shynee mac

    Does Bong Water Filter Some Of The THC???

    jealous in a good way bro I aint hatin:weed::bigjoint:
  17. shynee mac

    Does Bong Water Filter Some Of The THC???

    say kush, im jealous!!.... "AND" I want help to grow a "crop" as good as yours! :-P
  18. shynee mac

    Early Buds

    if they have actually been flowering for a month you could be done as early as mid-early sour deisel is budding also,but I wish I had a month of flowering to brag about:-P:weed: good luck on your early harvest!
  19. shynee mac

    How to rehydrate dry buds?

    try a cold peice of lettece out of the works in about 30-45mins for an ounce or two and does not change the smell!
  20. shynee mac

    1st backyard grow kush ,deisal, blueberry head band

    no dog yet im lookin for one tho