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  1. IHaveSixCats

    Is she done? I want more of the high not the body stone.

    Thanks everyone. Oh by the way I am a chick not a dude. *snicker* I just need the girls to hurry up if they could cause my @sshole neighbor has started a war over an easement that is on my property yet he thinks he owns it. You never know what he is going to do. He is growing as well and...
  2. IHaveSixCats

    Is she done? I want more of the high not the body stone.

    It was planted from seed May 25th and is Early Wonder Skunk - Solar Warrior. I thought October would be to long for it. It has been 16 weeks from seed.
  3. IHaveSixCats

    Is she done? I want more of the high not the body stone.

    Not sure if that is correct what I said about the high not the body stone. I was told for pain you want the milky white not amber. So new to this. I just want to get this one up and drying asap.
  4. IHaveSixCats

    Is she done? I want more of the high not the body stone.

    As I understand if I harvest when they are milky white and not amber I will get what I am looking for. I know my northern lights are not ready yet but is this girl?
  5. IHaveSixCats

    When to Harvest Outdoor?

    I am ticking down my harvest time. It can't come soon enough FFS. I thought they should be more then what they are right now. This is the hardest part. Should I be giving them food at this time?
  6. IHaveSixCats

    Royal queen northern lights auto

    49° 15' 0" n / 123° 8' 0" w
  7. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    Ok as well how can you tell what the THC is in your plant? And is there any way at this point to make them finish faster?
  8. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    Ok so give me some answers. Am I doing the best job that I can taking the top off in the morning and putting it back on at night? It was 34 here today and will stay hot all week. I do see condensation on the inside of the top of the gazebo. I don't think I will need to put a heater out there...
  9. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    OK I got a loom off Ebay and it hooks up to my iphone so this is what I have. I will try and get better ones but i have a brace on my left hand and it is really hard to stay steady and I am still trying to figure out if I have it set on the best setting.
  10. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    This is my only Early Wonder Skunk - Solar Warrior.
  11. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    Ok I am going out to take better pictures. Close ups. The top of the gazebo goes off and they get lost of light during the day. Ok give me a bit.
  12. IHaveSixCats

    How to speed up budding or flowering process

    OK I am looking to try and speed up the last month of my grow. I have my Northern lights outside and under a gazebo at night cause of due. We are having a very hot week this week so I take the top off during the day and a wall if I am home. I have to keep them in there just in case I need to...
  13. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    Ok the 4 of them are Northern lights and the one that looks odd I was told was Early Wonder Skunk - Solar Warrior. I think that one is just about ready.
  14. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    That was taken September 5th. i will get close up shots during the day tomorrow and I just got my loom in the mail today so I will try and use it and get shots of the tricomes.
  15. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    5' I have pictures but have no idea how to load them up here.
  16. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    Ok so this morning when I went out to take the roof off I noticed that there is moister on the inside of the roof. Is this ok? I would love to have them out in the open like I did all summer but with the property issues that i am having with my neighbor I worry he will be getting someone from...
  17. IHaveSixCats

    Royal queen northern lights auto

    I have 4 Northern lights but I have no idea if they are called anything but that. I was using 20-20-20 but have stopped as I was told now that they are flowering (is that what it is called). I am very new to all this and was getting help from my neighbor who has now turned on me due to a...
  18. IHaveSixCats

    Brand new here and looking for help

    Ok well the neighbor thing turned into a screaming match today so first thing tomorrow a lock goes on my gate. That aside I won't give them anymore 20-20-20. I know he was using organic stuff but I can't remember what or from where. Do I need food for them still? I make sure my porch light...