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  1. IHaveSixCats

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I have PK Kush seeds as my first grow a few years ago I had a male and really had no idea at the time so I ended up with seeds like crazy. Probably not all good ones but I have enough. I would really like to try something different this year. I did Northern lights last year and I guess it...
  2. IHaveSixCats

    Vancouver BC Canada

    Well this year I will be starting from seed. What is the best day to plant? I started last year May 28th a auto strain and it worked out great. I did not cut anything, no lolly popping or topping. I don't have any lights I just put them in my south facing window or outside when it it nice...
  3. IHaveSixCats

    Vancouver BC Canada

    I am looking for others who are local to chat and grow with. I grow 2 plants for personal use for my arthritis in both knees. I am looking to compare when to start seeds, fertilize, lolly pop or not and what you use. I am not experienced and my last years grow were huge with little bud as I...
  4. IHaveSixCats

    What is the criminal charge for 1-5 plants in Canada?

    Ok I am looking for a few home growers that reside in BC around Vancouver to help me. I am still new and only grow 2 plants outside for medical purposes for myself. I have arthritis in both knees and use it once in awhile when pain killers don't work. I am looking for info like when to start...
  5. IHaveSixCats

    PK (Pure Kush)

    My first grow was PK Kush too. I had a male and didn't realize so I have thousands of seeds. I might have to grow them again this year as I can't seem to get my hands on any other ones. I would love to find a seed exchange close to me.
  6. IHaveSixCats

    where to buy silk screen for hash????

    Ebay. I tried finding it in Michael's craft store and they just stopped selling it a few months ago if you can believe that.
  7. IHaveSixCats

    Growing with no lights just the window indoors?

    I personally use nothing till they are large enough to go in 21" pots. My cat ate one and a few leaves of the other. :( Stupid cat. Now I have to hope it will recover and I threw in 3 more seeds. Mine is in a south facing window not warm enough for it to be open.
  8. IHaveSixCats

    Growing with no lights just the window indoors?

    Personally I don't mind if it doesn't bud. I just like growing things for the sake of growing. I like the look of them and the way they smell. Why throw the seeds away when I can grow for the hell of it? That's just me though. I have thousands of these seeds from years ago from one plant so...
  9. IHaveSixCats

    Growing with no lights just the window indoors?

    Ok a few other questions is when do you start your nutes and what are you using? 20-20-20 at 4 leaves? Organic or not?
  10. IHaveSixCats

    Growing with no lights just the window indoors?

    I am starting this thread cause on another thread it was said to as that thread was years old. Is anyone growing in a window in the fall or winter just for the hell of it? I am and would like to know if anyone else is. I am in BC Canada and we are in fall right now. I had some seeds from my...
  11. IHaveSixCats

    and so it begins... 2013 Outdoor MMJ Grow

    Don't you just love sitting next to them and smelling them?
  12. IHaveSixCats

    is the moon a light leak?

    Good to know cause it was huge the other night.
  13. IHaveSixCats

    2013 Outdoor BC Grow

    Nice. I am in BC n this is my second grow n have had no issues till it got cooler out. Now I am just hoping for a bit to work out for me.
  14. IHaveSixCats

    I have waited a week: Hows this look to any of ya? Good to cut?

    OMG look at all those bubbles. How do you get it to look so good? I want some of that next year.
  15. IHaveSixCats

    What Does Your Screen Name Mean?

    Mine is cause I own 6 cats.
  16. IHaveSixCats

    HELP, how do you get rid of it?

    Well I just went and checked on my girls and they look great, I was worried about being told to remove so many leaves but they still have tons on them. I am going to go get some 10-30-10 today to give to them. The fan is going on full which only bows a little on them. I do worry that now...
  17. IHaveSixCats

    HELP, how do you get rid of it?

    Ok well I went with baking soda with a few drops of dish soap to keep it on the leaves. I did take off the worst leaves. At this point I have one girl that is almost done with no white on her so if she is the only one who makes it I will still be happy. I mean I only smoke it when my arthritis...
  18. IHaveSixCats

    Spiders on my weed plants

    Ok I know this thread is old but people are telling me I have spider mites and other are telling me I have PM. I do see small white spiders and webs at the base of the plant. No tiny white dots but I do have like a PM. I just sprayed a baking soda mist with a few drops of dish soap to get it...
  19. IHaveSixCats

    HELP, how do you get rid of it?

    I have only had it for a few days. I took the worst leaf to show you. I have a girl that I think is almost ready. Can I put her in another spot without a lot of light and let her finish? Nothing on the buds. I can take most of the leaves off if that helps. I have 4 should I separate them...
  20. IHaveSixCats

    HELP, how do you get rid of it?
