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  1. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    My plants look to be standing still and not growing anymore. Ended up with the light at 2 ft to start, not sure yet how close LEDs can get honestly. But I'll move it to around 12 inches in a couple days or so if this doesn't help much. The tent came in used from HTG Supply. Everything was open...
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    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Good thinking. I'm gonna put them at about 18" to start
  3. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    I thought the top to get more light in, if it made a difference. I'm in Chicago so I feel your pain
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    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Thanks I'll do some looking. Should I keep the cups the same, cut the holes bigger, ditch the holes, any ideas?
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    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    That's exactly what I was thinking, thank you. How high would you say?
  6. F

    Can you tell if these are root aphids?

    The one's without wings, I believe they're juveniles
  7. F

    Can you tell if these are root aphids?

    Crappy phone camera, these guys are tiny either way. Right click the picture and choose "open in new tab" so you can zoom in. Was reading this and thought maybe Thanks
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    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Wonder if those are root aphids
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Lol I know you have, I had a few different people giving me advice so I had to weed through the information. One person says "no don't ever do that" and another says "definitely do it always" so it can be overwhelming. My friend is way too pushy in this dept and difficult to talk to. He's...
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    I don't want to hijack your thread anymore, so if anyone is interested in giving some tips for seedlings head on over here! Thanks for all the help so far
  11. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Setting up my tent right now to hopefully bring up my humidity and temp. Just wondering if there's anything else I can tweak to help these suckers go. This a little over a week in, my heat was out for 3 days so understandably my progress has been slowed to a crawl. Everything survived though...
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    This cleared a lot up for me thank you very much, some good stuff here. No oyster shell flour then? I pretty much tried to combine your method and my friend's lol didn't work, too conflicting
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Yea you're right, I didn't see it in any of Don's recipes so I didn't add it, but I may have missed it. I had it in my other one wasn't sure if it was necessary tho
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Ok heres my new shopping list, hope I have everything right, I went back and now I'm only using ingredients from your recipes Don initial / smaller quantity pumice biochar ? rice hulls / buckwheat hulls diatomaceous earth / fossil shell flour coir / coco peat worm castings coconut (young thai...
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    I did not I totally forgot lol I'll have to do it tomorrow Do all rock phosphates have heavy metals in them? That's what I've heard, even soft
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18> Maybe they would work for you?
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Got em all situated they're doing good now, they were on the brink of death, our heat went out for 3 days it got down in the negatives and almost killed my seedlings. They had the roughest start ever hahaha I'm so surprised they're all still kicking. All my house plants died. I was able to dig...
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    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    How do I save a dying seedling? It was never put into the soil correctly, the root is shooting up and out. Is it safe to dig it up and re-root it or am I wasting my time trying?
  19. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    I don't think the bedding was any good, I took it all out. It has an absorbing agent in it and they won't say what's it is