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  1. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Is it true you can replace molasses with brown sugar? And do you need whole milk I'm assuming? Thanks
  2. F

    Hazeman Suggestions? First time grower! Need help with organic soil also

    I had no idea you could air it out honestly I'll have to do that for my own water heck. What about fluoride any harm come from that?
  3. F

    Hazeman Suggestions? First time grower! Need help with organic soil also

    Looks like my town uses chlorine. Highest level found was 1.41 ppm, is that alright to just filter and let sit to aerate? Is that ok for human consumption?? Lol
  4. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Awesome thanks a ton for posting this here for me! I'll get started ASAP
  5. F


    Alright got my worms ordered. Uncle Jim's Worm Farm has the best prices right now from what I could find. If anyone is in need, 2000 worms 2 lbs for just over $40 after 10% off code: 10off
  6. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Azospirillum brasilense, Rhizobium megaterium, Frateuria aurantia, Pseudomonas striata, Glomus clarum, Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus aggregatum, 70% inert ingredients pharmaceutical grade talc
  7. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    We split it so I think he was using me to order it for him. He's not allowed to order anything to his house lol. One of those people that doesn't do anything unless they get something out of it. In fact he did say he wouldn't physically help me do anything unless he was gonna get a cut. He...
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    My rabbit has had red pee before and scared the shit out of us hah that stuff is strong
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    So the pee is no good for the worms or soil? Any idea how many worms I should get to start with? A shit ton? I'm in northern Illinois. I have never been good at keeping house plants alive even, time to change all that
  10. F

    Hazeman Suggestions? First time grower! Need help with organic soil also

    City tap water unfortunately. Definitely chlorinated. What should I do to test it?
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    Not sure if I'll find any it's frozen solid up here, been under 0 the past week. Not much fishing going on either. Local is always better I'm assuming?
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    Awesome I have a rabbit this is perfect. I wasn't entirely sure lol. I'm such a nub. Where should I get my worms?
  13. F


    At the risk of sounding stupid, I must ask, does your rabbit's poop go into the worm bin?? Or do you mean the food :?:
  14. F

    Hazeman Suggestions? First time grower! Need help with organic soil also

    I've seen a lot of people recommend that. Thanks for adding your recipe!
  15. F

    Hazeman Suggestions? First time grower! Need help with organic soil also

    Wooo thank you 400 pages is a serious task lol I've been trying to browse through these they are super overwhelming
  16. F

    Hazeman Suggestions? First time grower! Need help with organic soil also

    Thanks for your help, should I get a reverse osmosis system? I was speaking to DonTesla a bit about this he also mentioned Coots mix
  17. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    I should also mention I have OG Biowar Nute and Root packs already as my friend suggested I get them while they were on sale during Thanksgiving (lol)
  18. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    I have 1 more question, this is a type of compost soil correct? Does the soil itself ever see food scraps or just the worms? Thanks again, I know I'm probably asking super basic stuff I should have learned by now. The guy who was supposed to be helping me has seemingly been keeping me in the...
  19. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    . I have 3500k, and 4000k in my sun boards and 2700k, 3500k, and 6500k in my fusion boards. I was thinking of going the 3 separate fabric pot route. I gotta have multiple strains going. :bigjoint: I've got a ton of strains stockpiled already. For the worms do I just get regular nightcrawlers...
  20. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    One thing I should mention: my garage is frozen solid at the moment so I unfortunately have to do all of the prep work in a small room inside if that matters. A question I have, can I get beneficial bugs when I'm inside completely? Or do I have to add them all in myself anyway?