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  1. gorillagrower0840

    quantum engagement

    There happy now? I fixed it for ya. Yep you're right. I made a mistake. You got me there, I'm such moron for making a mistake once in a while and being human. Have fun embarrassing yourself some more. Peace NIGGAHHHHH!
  2. gorillagrower0840

    quantum engagement

    then I'm glad you don't agree with me and I'm glad I'm not an idiot. :P :peace:
  3. gorillagrower0840

    quantum engagement

    Good for you. Clap clap clap clap... You've hurt my precious feelings so much. Yes, that's what I'm worried about- the opinion of someone who can't even grasp basic scientific principles, or even spell them right for fucks sake. I know not of this tongue in tylers ass that you speak of. I...
  4. gorillagrower0840

    quantum engagement

    @tyler.durden lol. It's like the blind leading the blind. "Nuclear fusion has to do with particles and atoms and stuff." lol, good explanation. I read that and thought there's no way he could be serious. Don't even have a basic understanding of basic particle physics, don't even know what...
  5. gorillagrower0840

    Why is it illegal to be naked?

    No I don't mean for everyone to truck down to the south. Overpopulation damage is already done. What i'm saying is that people should have never went to such harsh northern climates in the first place. Our bodies are originally evolved for warmer climates, climates in which clothes wouldn't...
  6. gorillagrower0840

    The Theory of Relative Motion and Natural Purpose

    And I'm also gonna have to disagree that science is subjective. Although I can and do see where you are coming from with that. I understand your point completely. But then, isn't everything subjective then? If that's the case, then science is surely the least subjective thing. Science is...
  7. gorillagrower0840

    The Theory of Relative Motion and Natural Purpose

    I must disagree with you there. I don't think atheism is an argument from ignorance. If that's the case, then religion or theism is an argument from extreme ignorance. If anything, atheism is an argument against ignorance and is the most enlightening system of belief known to exist. What is...
  8. gorillagrower0840

    Why should anyone believe in Jesus, God, your religion, etc.?

    Yes, I would agree that everyone has beliefs. Even if people don't realize they do. And all conscious beings for that matter, including animals, have beliefs. I believe even babies have beliefs, even if they don't realize it. For example, I believe that a baby believes that if it cries it...