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  1. B

    Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

    Not all walmarts fault, but a corporation at one time was required to serve the good of the public in order to exist. Does walmart? How many of walmarts employees recieve govt assitance? How big a chunk of their wages are being paid in the form of aid from the rest of us? Of course one side...
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    Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

    Yes, the late 50's right up through ronnie boy. I would say our country was in better fiscal shape. There were TV, bike, stereo, garden, hardware, stationary, pet and all sorts of other stores that were owned by a local resident in everytown USA. Now we have a fucking walmart on every damn...
  3. B

    Airplanes don't just fall out of the sky

    That's all the bush admin did was act on questionable intellegence. [Rimshot] Maybe we "Misunderestimated" him! "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." --Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001 "I don't...
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    Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

    Yes, LOL about the dow and the fact it was at what 8077 when bush landed. It is now over 16k. What a joke! It means nothing.... I wouldn't invest in it, it is a measuring stick. I bet it would mean alot if it had lost 25% of its value the way it did under the ("Deficits don't matter") bush...
  5. B

    Airplanes don't just fall out of the sky

    I like the way a security memo is reduced to a simple letter, shit easy to mix in with all the junk mail I guess.
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    Overthrow the elites

    The progressive tax code and the inheritence tax were created to keep people from creating this kind of wealth. Unfortunately, many were convinced that this was in place not to protect and build the greatest country on earth but to punish the wealthy or punish hard work.
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    Murder and mayhem at Austin's SXSW - one drunk thug with a record plows into crowd

    So in 3 years a 21 year old is arrested 3 times. While I agree it seems petty to point out, they have only been keeping score for 3 years, likely would be 8+ arrests by 26 if pattern wasn't disrupted by a more serious event! I gotta admit, the first thing that popped into my head when this new...
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    Airplanes don't just fall out of the sky

    OBL was bush's friend in the 90's and was only a threat at that time, he had no actionable offenses. As to the SECURITY MEMO that was very clear on it's contents, I'm sure if the same happened to Obama, you would be giving him the same pass.
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    More Than 500 Economists Sign Letter Against Minimum Wage Hike

    How do you cut taxes on a business that pays none? Last year, Citizens for Tax Justice found that 30 major corporations had made billions of dollars in profits while paying no federal income tax between 2008 and 2010. Today, CTJ updated that report to reflect the 2011 tax bill of those 30...
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    Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

    I would absolutely say things were much better before Reganomics and what the first bush called vodoo economics.
  11. B

    Airplanes don't just fall out of the sky

    Clinton took a shot at him and was accused of Wagging the Dog. Bush and dickbag had a memo put in front of them stating Bin Laden Determined to Strike the US and didn't even open it.
  12. B

    Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

    Who's controlled it in the last 4? Can't have it both ways, bitches!
  13. B

    Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

    America had one foot in the poor farm and another on a banana peel at the end of the bush admin. He drove this bitch into the ditch just like every business he attempted to run. The NYSE has increased more since Obama than the entire value when bush handed it off. He fucked us good.
  14. B

    Muy's Minutia: YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID

    I'd rather deal with the DMV than Comcast, Directv, Dish Network, Tmobile, Verizon, ATT. They are always so helpful and honest. At least at the DMV it's what 18 bucks for 4 year?. If it was private it would be 6 bucks a month* *Introductory offer, 6 dollars a month for the first 6 months...
  15. B

    Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

    Like a ban on abortion? Sorry couldn't resist!
  16. B

    More Than 500 Economists Sign Letter Against Minimum Wage Hike

    Virtually every US manufacture in my industry that offshored their product has had their intellectual property stolen from them and are no longer in business or are a shell of what they once were. Offshoring is giving your business away and is short sighted. I wonder how that factors into ones...
  17. B

    Airplanes don't just fall out of the sky

    Testicular status isn't required, even when known!
  18. B

    More Than 500 Economists Sign Letter Against Minimum Wage Hike

    Yes, I prefer to get my biased information from the source that has proven to be more accurate. ALL of the news programming on television in entertainment. It exist only for the purpose of selling advertising. Jon only needs to sell 32 minutes a week, Fox has to sell 16 minutes an hour. The...
  19. B

    More Than 500 Economists Sign Letter Against Minimum Wage Hike

    Hey, it's their own words, you just don't like the messenger. Never said fox was evil, I'm just simply stating that this has been gone over and I believe we know the facts regarding these sources. I understand in your world everything is owned by a corporation, in the real world Mom and...