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  1. B

    GH Mother formula

    Can you recommend a good value PH tester?
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    Help when do i flip my plants?

    I'd say train the upper main stems down a bit first, try and get an even top canopy, the angle of your shot is deceiving, It looks one side heavy. I am a novice though so take my advice as a thought only Good luck though friend
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    Wow, the Admin larping in hanimmal's echo chamber So, do you always chirp in when someone says something you do not agree with? You assumed because I set up my account from London that I am not from the USA, more worrying is that you would then publish on the forum my geographical location in...
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    Latest debugging prior to chop

    Thank you buddy
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    Ok, I see that you are a keyboard warrior with loads of time on their hands. you said: I said: Then you said: See how you did that. So, there is proof that you are either a liar and do not have any idea that you are lying, or.... mislead knowing exactly what you are doing. Nice to meet...
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    I can see that there will be no reasoning with you, you swallow mainstream media like It's a sweet broth. The Breonna case files have been leaked, you can search and check them yourself, everything that I have said is from the leaked investigation. I don't have time to link everything that we...
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    Latest debugging prior to chop

    Wow, that Neem Oil is rank, is there an alternative, it stinks so bad
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    My plant split right down the middle halfway through flowering

    Good advice, I can leave a bigger hole in the cable tie, thank you
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    My plant split right down the middle halfway through flowering

    Hello humans, This is my first grow and disaster after disaster has hit me. I will keep It simple but would like to give thanks in advance to anybody who has advice or answers that may help my situation. The only food I have given her Is a scattering of Chicken manure pellets every pot change...
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    Latest debugging prior to chop

    I sprayed my plants with neem oil '1 teaspoon per litre' and the mites were back the next day. am I doing it right? also on a side note, what would be the best flowering food seeing that II have used chicken manure in soil only for my grow. plant is doing great btw
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    Hey there friend, Your opening salvo was that some average conservative American woman who didn't buy the extreme lefts lies about Breonna Taylor was some kind of deranged white power crazy woman, In fact your comments about anyone who disagrees with you are extreme, just chill out dude, you...
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    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    Firstly, Maga bombers don't exist, you need to look at Antifa and all the Intersectionality pushing kinds for that kind of behaviour. Secondly, online propaganda is wholesale on the left extremes, not the right. Sounds to me like you are in an echo chamber. I'm centre/left on my political...