Latest debugging prior to chop


Well-Known Member
Hi all, hope yer and kin are well and in health!
UK outdoor grower.
3 x Royal Highness CBD
Been a slow but steady , at 6 month exactly today, starting to frost up so I'm thinking 1-2 weeks left.

I'm starting to see a fair few leaves dying off and am a wee bit concerned that these dying/rotting off will be an attractive to nasty buggies.

I'm wondering how late one can apply anti-critter measeure. I've used a peroxide solution for drenching the plants once a week and more infrequently neem spray.

How late before chop would you recommend the last anti critter spray?

Many thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I've used a rag soaked in pyrethrum mix and wiped underside of leaves suspecting spidermite but I found caterpillars. Tiny little greenies. So one by one gone I've gone over each plant today and removed as many as I could.


Well-Known Member
Cheers folks, my bad yes, consciously dropped of the neem soap a few weeks ago.
From what I gather peroxide is ok right up to chop. Doubt I'll go that far, lol just feels not right.
Some pics to follow ( Grrrr... 3 days of rain expected so after that)
Thanks again!


I sprayed my plants with neem oil '1 teaspoon per litre' and the mites were back the next day. am I doing it right? also on a side note, what would be the best flowering food seeing that II have used chicken manure in soil only for my grow. plant is doing great btw


Well-Known Member
I sprayed my plants with neem oil '1 teaspoon per litre' and the mites were back the next day. am I doing it right? also on a side note, what would be the best flowering food seeing that II have used chicken manure in soil only for my grow. plant is doing great btw
Ace! Do you add a little gentle/organic soap to the neem solution? Otherwise the neem oil and water wont mix. My recipe from trees dot com:
1l of warm water
5ml of neem oil.
1-2ml of mild liquid soap (castille)
Haha how'd you find it? The neem reeks like bacon fat to me. Bluergh!

I'm sure seasoned member will address the food for your specific soil type - I've always used Liquid Seaweed.