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  1. zest

    Storage for a large amount of Super soil

    probably shouldn't come off as a smart ass if u don't like the replies I've given u. Have u ever heard of a Garden Ho? And I didn't say one pool, I said a couple. I'm not the problem here and frankly I don't even know why I'm dealing with your trolling ass. I came here looking for suggestions...
  2. zest

    Storage for a large amount of Super soil

    im not mixing it with a pitch fork :finger: ...
  3. zest

    Storage for a large amount of Super soil

    I dont, thats why im asking lol
  4. zest

    Storage for a large amount of Super soil

    when I say kiddy pools i mean the inflatable ones.
  5. zest

    Storage for a large amount of Super soil

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on how to prep a large amount of super soil for this coming summer. Basically Im going to need about 2300 gallons and need to know of a way to store it. I plan on making it Mid-April and there has to be an easier way to store that...
  6. zest

    subs supersoil

    Hi guys, long time lurker 1st time posting. I was wondering if you guys could give me some adivce. I plan on running my first outdoor/greenhouse grow and need some help with this super soild. Not so much an understanding of it but more of an idea on how about getting it and making it. I plan on...