Storage for a large amount of Super soil


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on how to prep a large amount of super soil for this coming summer. Basically Im going to need about 2300 gallons and need to know of a way to store it. I plan on making it Mid-April and there has to be an easier way to store that much soil other than garbage cans lol. I was thinking of building up a small raised bed lined with poly and have a tarp over it or using a couple of kiddy pools with a tarp. any suggestions?
Id say if you live in a temperate to warm climate why not, though if its freezing might slow down the microbial process?
Just a guess.
That's 307 cubic feet, or a pile of soil almost 7' X 7' , and 7' tall.

Not gonna fit in a couple kiddie pools.

For reference here a pic of a 2500 G tank:

2500 g.jpg
I wouldn't be afraid to store it right on the ground outside. No kiddie pool necessary. Leaving it on the ground will allow indigenous microbes that have adapted to your climate to inoculate the soil.
im not mixing it with a pitch fork :finger: ...

You gonna mix it with a giant rubber spatula?

I was trying to help you, by getting you yourself to see yourself the problems with 1300 gallons of soil in an inflatable kiddie pool. So you're flipping me the bird, telling me to fuck off?

Welcome to RIU you're gonna fit right in.
You gonna mix it with a giant rubber spatula?

I was trying to help you, by getting you yourself to see yourself the problems with 1300 gallons of soil in an inflatable kiddie pool. So you're flipping me the bird, telling me to fuck off?

Welcome to RIU you're gonna fit right in.

probably shouldn't come off as a smart ass if u don't like the replies I've given u. Have u ever heard of a Garden Ho? And I didn't say one pool, I said a couple. I'm not the problem here and frankly I don't even know why I'm dealing with your trolling ass. I came here looking for suggestions and all you've done is come back with smart ass comments. My post count may show that I'm new around here, but Ive been on this site for years and refused to post thanks to annoying fucks like yourself.
probably shouldn't come off as a smart ass if u don't like the replies I've given u. Have u ever heard of a Garden Ho? And I didn't say one pool, I said a couple. I'm not the problem here and frankly I don't even know why I'm dealing with your trolling ass. I came here looking for suggestions and all you've done is come back with smart ass comments. My post count may show that I'm new around here, but Ive been on this site for years and refused to post thanks to annoying fucks like yourself.

Well, you're not gonna get much help with an attitude like that. You're coming off like the asshole, not AimAim.

My last suggestion to you ..... figure it out yourself.
probably shouldn't come off as a smart ass if u don't like the replies I've given u. Have u ever heard of a Garden Ho? And I didn't say one pool, I said a couple. I'm not the problem here and frankly I don't even know why I'm dealing with your trolling ass. I came here looking for suggestions and all you've done is come back with smart ass comments. My post count may show that I'm new around here, but Ive been on this site for years and refused to post thanks to annoying fucks like yourself.

Your an asshole dude ok inflatable pool anything sharp will pop it dumbass. How about u just lay out a big ass tarp mix it up and close the tarp up

Your an asshole dude ok inflatable pool anything sharp will pop it dumbass. How about u just lay out a big ass tarp mix it up and close the tarp up


I'm an asshole because I responded back to someone who was trolling? whats the point of bringing up problems and not suggesting solutions?...that's basically what he was doing. I'm not even here to argue with anyone, I came here looking for suggestions and help. I know how much soil it is and I know its gonna be a head ached to store it all. He didn't bring any value to the conversations other then trying to make me looks stupid. I already know how much soil it is and how much it looks like on a scale. What I dont have figured out is storage, hence the point of this thread.
Stows method is best imo throw in some red wriggles and shoot it with water once a week. Maybe a aact w molasses. Jm2$
I'm an asshole because I responded back to someone who was trolling? whats the point of bringing up problems and not suggesting solutions?...t

I'm not trolling anybody or anything. Just wanted you to realize the folly of trying to mix 1,150 gallons (half of 2300 gal) of anything in an inflatable kiddie pool. With metal implements of any type.

You are not an asshole you just have no common sense.