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  1. newGrows

    An interesting situation tl;dr grasshopper is pest and should be killed. I'm more interested to know why the plants in perlite are completely fine but every plant that was in soil died than i am in moralistic ramblings.
  2. newGrows

    An interesting situation

    I decided to test different growing mediums outdoors and this is the result. Various mixes of perlite, dolomite lime, american plant organic potting soil, dr. earth seedling mix, espoma seedling mix After 2 weeks in an enclosed room with open windows i brought about 12 seedlings outside to get...
  3. newGrows

    An assortment of questions

    My package of dolomite lime gives me measurements of lime for soil in terms of sq foot of soil…. WTF Depending on how I choose to slice a gallon container of soil that could be 2 sq feet or 10 sq feet or a million sq feet. How do those people expect me to convert from 2 to 3 dimensions? Since i...
  4. newGrows

    My first Grow

    Hi, i would like to know when each of those pictures was taken.
  5. newGrows

    pH meter

    China is really far away… finally got my Ekticity and they are just as awesome as i hoped. thanks for the advice.
  6. newGrows

    Oxygenated Water

    I would think yes, but the link you provided said that algae and other such life only need 1 mg/L which probably doesn't need to be pumped in artificially. It seems like it is at worst not a problem to add oxygen… though i think hydrogen peroxide and DO are not equal and that adding H2O2 is more...
  7. newGrows

    Oxygenated Water

    To prove a point… what? i think maybe theres something missing on my screen
  8. newGrows

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Thanks, and also thanks for posting such an awesome series of updates. Just looked back at all of them. Do you really have no holes in your cups and did you never change how much water you gave as the plants got bigger?
  9. newGrows

    Oxygenated Water tl;dr microwaved water kills the plant (at least thats what the article's pictures say happened) thanks for all the replies people. before we go can we make some sort of decision on this microwaved water thing.
  10. newGrows

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Wow. Thats 2 weeks? What's your medium, nutes, lights, water?
  11. newGrows

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    With all the miracle grow hate around here … Can't tell if serious (pics or it didn't happen) Would anyone like to share how much water they have given so far along with the progress picture?
  12. newGrows

    Oxygenated Water

    Do you do that into a closed container? Is it possible to pump in so much oxygen the container pops?
  13. newGrows

    Oxygenated Water

    Why do people only oxygenate water in bubbleponics or a regular hydro setup? Even if I'm growing in soil couldn't i just get an airstone and pump a bunch of air into the water i use? Why wouldn't I?
  14. newGrows

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Lurker checking in. What's with the yellow leaves so early in growth?
  15. newGrows

    Smart pots vs reusable gorcery bags

    I'm wondering if anyone has used those mesh grocery bags like a smart pot. I've never seen them myself so I don't know what the material is, how wide the mesh holes are etc.
  16. newGrows

    Diatomaceous earth problems!

    Yea i thought this stuff was safe but now that i've put some water on it i'm really worried about it. When wet it turns into a sludgy concrete like substance that seems to just plug up the soil. How can this possibly be good for a plant? I'm wondering if instead of a thick layer at the top, if...
  17. newGrows

    Diatomaceous earth problems!

    I got a bit of DE on some leaves thinking hey whatever, everything i have read about it tells me its no big deal… its even safe enough to eat… blah blah blah. Now the leaves are turning crispy and wilting but keeping their color. Help. (background: there was an infestation of small bugs that...
  18. newGrows

    Failure in 3 different scenarios (PICS and detailed log)

    I'm just trying to anticipate any potential side issues. You've probably heard of places that introduce some organism only to see it run rampant with no predation so some predator is added and then that blows up too. Or maybe earthworm poop creates some bacteria i've never heard off etc. etc. I...
  19. newGrows

    Failure in 3 different scenarios (PICS and detailed log)

    I've heard a lot about worm casings, first time i saw live worms suggested. What species do you suggest? Also would they encourage pests to develop?
  20. newGrows

    Failure in 3 different scenarios (PICS and detailed log)

    Can we get some tips for lightening up soil in here? Let's say I can't get the brand that someone recommends for whatever reason. Perlite seems to be the obvious answer, would it be more effective crushed up or in little cubes? What about something like dichotomous earth? That stuff is amazingly...