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  1. newGrows


    Thanks for the info on the gel, I'm going to see if I can find some instead of a DIY jello thing. I noticed that two of my four cuttings are showing some weird signs. The bottom half of the stems have turned brown and the plants no long support themselves without help from my pots, but the roots...
  2. newGrows

    Making feminized seeds, saving a strain According to the above site, you're right. They also mention another method called Rodelization. The summary is that at the end of her life an unfertilized female's self preservation instinct kicks in, so a similar...
  3. newGrows

    How do I get rid of Fungus Gnats?

    This solution has yet to be suggested. So the gnats live in the soil and are not inside your plants? Do you have the money to buy new soil? Plants are much stronger than many people realize, you can pull them out of the soil and restart. If you think about hydroponics, plants don't even need...
  4. newGrows

    2000 Watt Grow Question

    $160 on a grow tent? I can show you how to make a 4x8 for about $10 if cost is the issue. For some seeds I would even front you the money for a proper one. You can also double your space vertically by adding a wire shelf and some more light...
  5. newGrows

    finding yellow small leaves deep in my plants

    If you try adding some light or just changing the angle so that more light gets deeper, please let me know if the leaves change color. I'd also be interested to see some pictures if you wanted to post them. Best of luck to you bud!
  6. newGrows


    Are you using the same active ingredient just put into a gel? If thats true could I use the stuff ive got and cook up some unflavored jello and put it in? If not, where did you get the gel?
  7. newGrows

    I Give You: The Discobox (Arduino Controlled Diy-System)

    So you cool the heatsink by putting it in contact with the hardware that is constantly getting hotter as it is used? If your hardware is anything like my computer that sounds like a system that will eventually overheat.
  8. newGrows

    After transplant : old soil too wet, new soil too dry Is that RH the moisture level of the soil or air? according to the above source your RH level is decent but probably should be higher. How expensive is water where you live!? Is that really a limiting factor? Do you have some...
  9. newGrows

    Help answer 我不知道一切,但根据上述来源的pH值应该是酸性的,而不是基本的。所以第一个问题,我想看看所有这些产品被发现的东西,有没有钙或镁或具有某种磷酸盐混合。 我用谷歌翻译,所以如果任何的,这是很难理解,这可能是。我喜欢这种语言障碍基本上不复存在。 I don't know everything, but According to the above source the pH should be acidic and not basic...
  10. newGrows

    finding yellow small leaves deep in my plants

    Sorry for the delay, That is a strong light source, but is it just one light from the top? For how many plants? When you look at your plant, can you actually see light reaching the yellow leaves? Or, can you see any shadows on your plant, anywhere the light isn't covering?
  11. newGrows

    finding yellow small leaves deep in my plants

    What kind of lights do you use?
  12. newGrows


    This reply took a while... i used it on some geraniums and the cuttings that were already healthy survived and developed roots :) I don't know if the powder did anything useful though, it isn't even water soluble so i don't understand what a plant could do with it. Took a few weeks to see...
  13. newGrows

    Marijuana Seeds

    I've heard (by lurking on this forum mostly...) that if customs does take something addressed to you, they send you some kind of notice saying... hey, this just happened. so if you don't have anything like that, no customs probably isn't involved.
  14. newGrows

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    How do i do that?
  15. newGrows

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    This is a massive noob question: do i need a certain number of posts to send someone a pm? I can't find the option for it anywhere.
  16. newGrows

    Is nirvana seeds legit?

    They took my money, never sent anything, and eventually stopped responding to customer service requests. Don't make the mistake I made. I didn't get my seeds and I even ordered some generic plant stuff like the root hormones. Not even that stuff came. And they refuse to accept responsibility. To...
  17. newGrows

    Marijuana Seeds

    PSA: Don't use nirvana... they took my money and sent me nothing. Also they randomly change their policies from week to week.
  18. newGrows

    Is nirvana seeds legit?

    NO! not legit. They took my money and to my knowledge didn't send a thing. DO NOT USE.
  19. newGrows

    "White Widow" from Crop King Seeds

    Did you try leaving any males and growing seeds from your own plants? or have you bought new seeds every time?
  20. newGrows


    I have some bontone rooting powder. Has anyone ever used it? The active ingredient is indole 3 butyric acid, anyone recognize it? The package doesn't say anything about it, but do i need to dissolve this in alcohol? (according to wikipedia yes)