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  1. H

    What type of bug is this?

    You know I was wondering about this aswell....but then I saw this done...
  2. H

    What type of bug is this?

    Bit of napalm Im not clued up on spidermite erradication or preventitive measures, but dont rule out a cure and a method for keeping them away. Ive heard of a few organic home made recipes and some off the shelf stuff you could try out at your stage of bloom. Get them in check ASAP and treat...
  3. H

    5 clones, no more dome

    I know, fungus gnats are the least of anyones worries.... All you need to do is break the cycle and let them die off. Now, the borg I could understand :?:cry:
  4. H

    What type of bug is this?

    :shock: I hate seeing spidermite posts, never had them, but i feel your pain. I know people that have had them and theyre banned from my house, not lying :spew:
  5. H

    5 clones, no more dome

    Mate, didnt you try nothing besides the Neem ? Should have tried some diatomaceous earth or sharp sand as a top dress and put out some sticky traps. Such a shame. NUKE the basement, put out some sticky traps, and try some other sort of preventive / erradication measure.
  6. H

    Curling sugar leaves week 4 flower...PICS

    Those look perfectly fine to me. No sign of mites and dont look like heat stress, chill dude. If you start to see leaves turn fully upside down and they pull off easy, check for mould, but they look fine.
  7. H

    Need help in late flowering: is it bud rot?

    100% Bud Rot ! Had it many times and its heart breaking. Always goes for the fattest buds first. Only thing to do is chuck the bad bits away, and i mean if a cola has it, anything just below and everything above I would chuck out, and watch the rest of the crop like a hawk, it spreads fast and...
  8. H

    What are these symptom

    I dont even like commenting on spidermite posts just incase i catch them, i loose my mind if I find a couple of thrips and its all out armageddon till im 100 miles past sure
  9. H

    What are these symptom

    Comments have killed me LOL Finish them off, prepare for some snap crackle and pop bud, and nuke the site from orbit.
  10. H

    Karma Genetics

    Has anyone ran the Sour Josh yet ? Ive got 6 fems in veg right now ( had 6 males also, kept the most vigorous 1 alive for an experiment ) so just wondering what phenos to look out for and if its anywhere near as good as his sour D ( that shit sold out fast.....3rd drop i missed ). Any info and...
  11. H

    Do I need to defoliate more?

    Hi guys My name is Hukt - I have a Problem. Im a serial defoliator. But I only do it due to personal preference and cannot substantiate the benefits regarding yield or quality. I do it depending on strain and wether growing from cuts or seed. It also benefits me due to enviromental conditions...
  12. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    " This soil incorporates mycorrhizal fungi, kelp, fish bone and alfalfa meal, as well as worm castings, peat, coir and lobster compost. " Sounds like a nice mix. Good choice !
  13. H


    Humidity and enviroment play a big part when it comes to mould. I had a leaky roof which caused mould in the ceiling cavity ( Flat Roof ) in my flower room, and got devo'd with mould on 1 run. If the basement is damp and mouldy, that needs drying out and Ozonating and frequent air exchange, or...
  14. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    Just had a google for that brand, theres about 15 types, but they all look like theyre ammended with food. So if youre adding more at ( Probably the bottled doses ) dial that dose way back, dont starve them, just do a couple of weak feeds, and check your run off water if you have an E.C / PPM...
  15. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    Are you in Soil / Coco / Hydro ?
  16. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    Ive never grown autos OR used the GH line of ferts, but if it is an N tox it should be easy to rectify with that 3 part feed.
  17. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    They look healthy so dont threat about it. Just do what CannaCountry pointed out and try to reduce the N. You didnt say what you are growing in also. I cant see from the pictures
  18. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    They Autos ?
  19. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    Those clawing leaves look like when a flowering plant is revegging a bit to me aswell. The smooth edges. Have you have a mishap with light cycle at all ?
  20. H

    Ugh the leaves.... what is this?

    Beginning of N Tox. As CannaCountry said, dial back on the nutes. What are you feeding them ? Medium / PPM / E.C ? Theres not a lot of Nute Burn i can see, but that claw is good sign of Nitrogen Tox.