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  1. H

    Little jumpy pests in the runoff water

    I thought the same thing bro. So after some research i found out it was these little bastards. Black Springtails They didnt last long. The Pyrethrum 5ec has a wetting agent in also, so with the Yucca Extract from RAW Nutrients and the Pyrethrum 5ec, they got destroyed in a week and a few days...
  2. H

    Lights or no lights when flushing?

    I'm far too drunk. I've read it back a dozen times and was like wtf did I just post !
  3. H

    Little jumpy pests in the runoff water

    From what I read in other threads and sources, if you are in soil, I wouldn't worry too much. They only eat dead root matter, but I just dont like shit in my room that I didnt intend to be there. You could try some sort of soap ( i like Yucca Extract ) and need, or dry them out, they like moist...
  4. H

    Little jumpy pests in the runoff water

    Yea, I had this many in all 10 pots. This was over a year ago, I had to hop over to another forum to pull the pics. Makes me cringe still mate. I wouldn't know what to tell you in your situation as I can't remember if your in coco or soil, but regardless, I've never graced either so wouldn't...
  5. H

    Lights or no lights when flushing?

    Me personally, i add 6k watts of light and 2lbs of carolina reaper chillies, chopped and diced to the rez, seeds and all, then i scream death metal at them for 48 hours straight, have my missus squirt all over them, then sprinkle them with fairy dust prior to getting a damascus forged spoon and...
  6. H

    Little jumpy pests in the runoff water

    I had these little shits in hydro, made me cringe as they had really settled in and got comfy, I didnt like them at all. I saw 2 distinct colours of them also, white and black ones. I felt like they were hurting my girls ( 3 weeks into flower ). Everytime my system filled ( Modular Flood n...
  7. H

    The True Cycle of a Cannabis Plant and Yellowing Leaves

    Ive just finished my 2nd grow of this Sour Josh from Karma Genetics which is a 10+ week strain, so in keeping with my rotation of my other tent which is Platinum Kush Breath Remix from Inhouse Genetics ( the cut is ready in 8 weeks bang on ) I reduced the light schedule on the Sour Josh from...
  8. H

    Karma Genetics

    Sour josh at week 9 on a 10.5 / 13.5 light / dark split. Putting my winter frost my new millennium in for 4 days and then 3 day flush.
  9. H

    Led COB advice

    Cheers bud, ill stick to 6 then.
  10. H

    Led COB advice

    I've got 36 citizen CLU048 1212 cobs with 6 meanwell 320h 1400b drivers that I've always rand with 6 per driver. Can I run 5 cobs per driver on these ?
  11. H

    Lighting the space, not the plants - is this enough ?

    Just had a thought, can I run 5 of these cobs on the drivers instead of 6 ?
  12. H

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    It was my understanding that newer, younger leaves photosynthesise better than the big fuck off satellite leaves. I do it situational. Depending on your ambient climate and humidity, strain,lights and enviroment do as you see fit. I also do it all the way through to reduce popcorn, increase...
  13. H

    Lighting the space, not the plants - is this enough ?

    Still got to add 1 more row on this, but 2 of these, and 2 x 480w QBs.
  14. H

    Lighting the space, not the plants - is this enough ?

    Hey folks. Im redoing my my tent and have also started remounting some Cobs ( Citizen CLU048 1212 ) that I've been meaning to do for a while. I have a 10x5 tent with 15 pots in on a modular flood & drain system, 3 rows of 5. Its basically wall to wall in there. I've got 36 cobs on 6 meanwell...
  15. H

    Karma Genetics

    Week 5 of Sour Josh. Second run of this, last run I did a test of 2 phenos and got 22 zips of 2 plants, bit they were twice the size. So stuck 8 of them in a 8 pot Wilma under 4 x 320w worth of Citizen CLU048 1212. These girls have a different sort of frost compared to other things I've ran...
  16. H

    In House Genetics Thread

    That looks fantastic mate, i tip my cap to you ! Mine dont look like that after ive finished trimming, i dry trim in a makeshift tumble bucket. I fucking hate trimming ! So it gets battered and bruised, but I still end up with a ton of keif, sugar leaf and pop corn ( the popcorn is solid ) as i...
  17. H

    In House Genetics Thread

    I tried so hard to do a slurricane run, but after running the PKB and PKB remix I just couldn't try anything else after reading some reviews of the slurricane. But I shit you not, I'd buy 10 packs of that double agent if I could find a UK vendor. I've banged on about it on a few forums, but the...
  18. H

    In House Genetics Thread

    Pkb remix day 57 This cut has always ran and 8-9 week finish for me guaranteed. Makes your fingers purple just plucking fan leaved and get a sweet syrup cake smell recently. They're getting 2-3 more days as they always start to throw nut sacks at day 55+ on this cut. Not a massive yielding cut...
  19. H

    In House Genetics Thread

    Double Agent ( an old Reg cross ) this shit was mental ! Cant get this in Uk again, its all state side ! PKB and PKB -Remix since ! Black cherry Punch was Meh, Zitttles was meh but good yield. The PKB has been consistent fire since though, this cut ive ran for the 4th time smells like french...