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  1. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    This page has to many pics to load right.. Need to jump to 13 for more uploads.
  2. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Day 41,and things are doing great.. i think.. lol
  3. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Day 34, things are going well. The back right corner plant is Ultra Violance and shes got 18" donkeys rocknn.. This is getting interesting..
  4. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    thanks man
  5. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Its the new new from HLG.. Its the gold series.. Alittle prices but an awesome thermal interface.. lol.. No it just the normal slate 2.. But from the continuous use and running them hot its changing colors..
  6. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Just keeping my thread alive when i can.. Day 28.. Flowers are setting hard..
  7. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Nice rigs Bean. Remember the 2 week explosion.. lol Day 1 2 weeks later trying to swap out a fan.. lol This room is getting filled with QB rigs soon.
  8. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Dilly Dilly, Day 13 Quick pics of the room.. Things are going as planned.. lol 1st time running this strain its Buff #2 she was created and found by Okie and Bean.. i have 10 of them. I Love them Boys always making new heat!. I also ended up with a Pieface and Ultavoilance.. They are huge...
  9. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Damn DH sorry to hear your still having issues.. Are you still doing PPK? My nutes do stay stable as hell, and i like my PH 6.0 to 6.2.. I spent 4hrs yesterday cleaning up and removing branches as my girls fucking exploded.. I vegged and extra week to make up for the 4 plants i removed in the...
  10. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Not a lot.. It just floods the floor and drys out in between waterings..
  11. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    So why not continue on and show what i have going.. i started with 16 had 4 duds so rockn 12 in 8x8.. Damn its hard to space them Strains are Pie face, Ultraviolance, and Buff.. Day 1 of 12/12 5 Gals buckets filled halfway with coco.. multi feeds per light cycle.. Use Jacks...
  12. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    DH, So i used the 240s, and have bumped up as of late to the 320s, and i dim them down to 160ws per board. I use the slate 2 or 6 and i dont need a PC fan, it works great. For weigh i would guess 25 to 30 lbs ?? But i have never weighted them before..
  13. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Ya i run the same PPMs for HPS and LED.. Regarding stretch, i would say there was a large reduction from the QBs over HPS. Almost makes the plants look like a different strain. My average canopy was around 48" Cheers,
  14. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    I like 18" + or - 2"..
  15. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    The Fert i use are Jacks 321 at Part 1 400, Part 2 100(the Epson salt) Part 3 350(CalNit). I like some Mammoth P aswell.. My city water is at 150ppm, so once nutes are added i am around 1000 sometimes 1100.. Its not a big deal as long as i stay between 800 to 1200.. As far as the yield goes i...
  16. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Its no different really.. Hang them higher than you think for the first few days.. Our eyes cant see the actual amount of photons being blasted from these crazy little LEDs.. Once you see them start to stretch you lower them a little.. In flower i like mine around 18-20" from the tops.
  17. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Thanks for the kind words.. So for cost ill give you the numbers i remember, dont quote me on this. Here is the cost for the 4 QB rigs. 304s-75 each x 4 Slate 2 -19 each x 4 HLG 240-1050A - 60 each x 2 HD metal shelving - 8 each x 2 HD 6' L metal - 16 each x 1 HD 8" Black Zip tys 8 per 100...
  18. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    With only a few LED runs under my belt i would have to lean towards QBs. Not only in build time and cost, but performance too..
  19. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    I would say 6 boards at around 120-140w each for a total of 720-840w. Thats where i would be looking if lighting a 5x5.
  20. G

    From DEs to LEDs

    Well the numbers are in and its 1.05 Gs per Watt.. I am super happy with the results. i hit my average with 1600 less watts, and the quality is slightly better.. :) Big thanks to HLG @robincnn @Stephenj37826 for the order and the extra goodies..