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  1. incogneato420

    Noob reboot 5 strains,4x4, 1000w

    Thanks for the heads up. I ended up just using the black gold coco so I guess I dodged a bullet there
  2. incogneato420

    Noob reboot 5 strains,4x4, 1000w

    I gave them a full strenght feeding of nftg this morning.They responded well to the feeding so far. Here they are after work. Top to bottom and left to right: pink diesel x amnesia auto, spliff's strawberry, reserva privada r.k.s, cannalope haze, holy grail kush
  3. incogneato420

    Noob reboot 5 strains,4x4, 1000w

    Looks like its time to top the holy grail kush. (Second from the right) she's throwing her 7th set of leaves. Should make a nice clone and give the rest of the ladies time to catch up
  4. incogneato420

    Seedsman, California Orange

    Stacking nice!
  5. incogneato420

    Win big with Professor Paul Seeds and The Vault!

    Bunch a fackin stoners bongsmilie:wall:
  6. incogneato420

    Noob reboot 5 strains,4x4, 1000w

    Bubbled up a batch of 1/4 strenght nftg advanced line for the gals yesterday. Also threw in some bio root and a touch of molasses. After a nice 24 hour bubble they all got a drink until 30% runoff. Everybody also got a small foliar of bloom kaos. The nutes were ph'd at 6.0 and had a ppm of 250...
  7. incogneato420

    black magic potting soil

    I'll be honest, after the slurry test I did there can't be much of the ingredients they have listed in there. Its good stuff, just weak I believe. My flower garden looks awesome though
  8. incogneato420

    black magic potting soil

    I think it is, they do well hiding that fact tho
  9. incogneato420

    Noob reboot 5 strains,4x4, 1000w

    Got the seedlings in their cups. Let's hope this new soil is more seedling friendly. Added some perlite for better drainage. Watered everything with some bubbled tap and bio root pH 6.4 ppm 170. Bags per the seedlings so they can ease in to their new homes. They all had some nice rooting coming...
  10. incogneato420

    Noob reboot 5 strains,4x4, 1000w

    They are looking way better after the herculean harvest flush. Vigor and growth have returned. I have some water bubbling for a feed tomorrow as the soil is getting dry .The sprouts are popping roots so I may put them in their cups soon. I left the dome off for a few hours today for the first...
  11. incogneato420

    Does anyone treat their auto a little like photos? Such as ...

    Lol, I will say you were wrong about one thing, it fattened those gnats up pretty good lol. Let me know when the pizzas ready :joint:
  12. incogneato420

    Noob reboot 5 strains,4x4, 1000w

    Well the last journal was derailed by bad germination and I didn't feel like starting a new journal til I knew what I was running. I have 5 different strains in a 4x4 tent. I'm under some CFL's until they are all caught up and ready for some real light. The setup: 4x4 tent 600w solis tek mh for...
  13. incogneato420

    Does anyone treat their auto a little like photos? Such as ...

    Definitely no offense taken. Basically was just passing on shit that I read since I'm still on my first grow lol. At least I didn't say definitively that it did anything beyond feed micros in the soil haha. Left it open to the reader to do their own research so they may also mindlessly pass...
  14. incogneato420

    Win big with Professor Paul Seeds and The Vault!

    Sign me up guys! Feeling lucky this time lol
  15. incogneato420

    Does anyone treat their auto a little like photos? Such as ...

    Long story short: feeds the micro organism's in the soil that feed your plants. Also supposed to fatten and sweeten the buds in final flowering. Definitely worth looking up and reading up on it
  16. incogneato420

    Does anyone treat their auto a little like photos? Such as ...

    Hahaha, sorry my adhd made me skim over your name and assumed it was a reference to Chicago. Like chicago grow. Well then thanks for the info chica!
  17. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Promotions

    Mine have always gone thru without a hitch
  18. incogneato420

    Something going on with CC ordering seeds?

    I feel lucky to have squeezed my last order in before this happened. I may also have to look into bitcoin as well I guess
  19. incogneato420

    Second order went smooth as silk as well. I have nothing but good things to say about midweek

    Second order went smooth as silk as well. I have nothing but good things to say about midweek
  20. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Promotions

    Just ordered 2 weeks ago without issue. If you e mail them they get back to you quick. @Midweek Song