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  1. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    Yea just straight into the jiffy pellets, no soak. I don't have a heat mat but had an incandescent bulb over them that kept temps around 82-84. I'm probably messing with them too much then by what you're saying. Hopefully they don't get pissed and move along in the paper towel then
  2. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    Well I knew I would run into beginners blues, I just didnt know it was gonna be right at the beginning. My holy grail seeds cracked a few days ago but they haven't advanced any further than that. In a last attempt to keep these seeds I pulled them from their jiffy pellets and placed them in a...
  3. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    The holy grail you're running is a different strain than mine. I looked it up. I'm running holy grail kush by DNA seeds. The one you have sounds fire too though. I'm making my way through your journal now. That's some impressive tree for a fridge grow! That northern lights kicked out some colas!!
  4. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    I'm looking to flip at around 12-16" so I'm guessing just over a month. Its my first run in this setup and I don't want to overgrow my height 6'-6" do you have a log going?
  5. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    Still haven't broken the surface yet....the waiting is the hardest part. Hopefully soon I'll have some sprouts
  6. incogneato420

    Midweek Song

    Those are some trees! Nice work Steve! Looking forward to posting pics of the holy grail kush and GSC I got from Midweek song. They're germinating now so hopefully soon
  7. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    Well got impatient waiting to see sprouts so I went diggin. All 4 of the holy grail have popped and barely started to sprout. Nothing from the gsc yet. Tucked them all back in to their jiffy pellets and back into the tent. Should have sprouts in a day or so
  8. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    I agree on the cookie, its like gg4. The name is better than the smoke. Things can get real trendy around here lol. It was a freebie so I tossed it in there to see what I get.
  9. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Promotions

    Fair enough Lewis. Even at 15% you guys offer a competitive deal. I'll pass it along to the guy I was referring to you on a different forum.
  10. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Promotions

    Yea I saw him post the be one but I can't find it now. Roll20 doesn't work anymore
  11. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    No action yet, misted the dome last night and again this morning. Hoping to see some sprouts soon
  12. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Promotions

    420mag is 15%, still not bad but I know there is a new 20% coupon too
  13. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Promotions

    Thanks cuz, I'll give it a try
  14. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Promotions

    @Midweek Song what's the new 20% discount code Lewis?
  15. incogneato420

    Midweek Song Freebies

    I started the GSC freebie that I got along with some Holy Grail Kush. I'll keep an update here if I remember
  16. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    Ordered these beans a few months back from Midweek Song and the GSC is one of their freebies. Dropped them on the 30th of Aug. Misted under the dome and lowered the light a touch to warm it up a little. Hope to see some helmets peaking out soon.....
  17. incogneato420

    First Timer Running 4 Holy Grail Kush And One Gsc In A 4x4 600w-1000w

    Impatience got the best of me so here we go. I'll be running 4 Holy grail kush from DNA and a Girl scout cookie freebie. I'm assuming its forum cut cookie but not sure. Its my first grow so any advice or comments are welcome. I put the seeds under a 40w incandescent bulb for heat in jiffy...
  18. incogneato420

    Smell Control

    Almost pissed a little reading that, thanks for the laugh
  19. incogneato420

    Midweek Song

    If you're doing a diary let me know
  20. incogneato420

    Midweek Song

    I've heard a few good things, I think I'm gonna pop mine in a week or so