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  1. vhawk

    Day 8 seedlings, they were looking so good until now

    o_O What's the nicest way to request a comma, and some periods? Makes good advice easier to understand.
  2. vhawk

    Day 8 seedlings, they were looking so good until now

    Little early to be feeding them. I think it's just nute burn + temp stress. You made your adjustments. So how are the next sets of leaves looking? That I suspect will tell you if you're on the right track.
  3. vhawk

    AutoFlower looks Like charlie brown tree

    Are you feeding it? What are you feeding it and how often? This site is great but I'd recommend picking up a growers bible as well. I did that before my first grow and it'a worth the money. Better to prevent problems then try and fix them after they've stunted your grow. VHawk
  4. vhawk

    Am I the only grower that doesn't smoke?

    Monkz you're welcome in my boat anytime. I've got purple kush lined up next, but after that I need a good CBD/pain control, appetite stimulating strain. I'm open to suggestions.
  5. vhawk

    Am I the only grower that doesn't smoke?

    Not growing to sell. In fact the cost to the people who need it the most, the truly dying, should be $0. Can't even imagine taking a single f'ning penny to help the dying not suffer. Medicinal cannabis is still way to expensive around my parts. With the cost of growing everyone can't get their...
  6. vhawk

    last year I grew a plant in Mt dew

    Great, now I've got to see this finshaggy grow. You guys are hilarious, and I'm not baked, not even leavened. ...update found his posts. Finding myself regretting learning to read.
  7. vhawk

    Am I the only grower that doesn't smoke?

    Thanks Cap. Just barely set up the net. The ladies are just 4 weeks old from seed. NL fem seed for this first grow. I think that strain would be most forgiving to a new grower like myself. Have purple kush seed on stand by for round 2. After that I'll get serious about finding a good high CBD...
  8. vhawk

    Am I the only grower that doesn't smoke?

    I feel like a weirdo. I've been wanting to grow forever just to grow. A nice bud is as sexy as any orchid. But I don't smoke, or really partake. Any one else grows just for fun basically? My first harvest is probably split between the girlfriend and any of the really sick patients I see in the...
  9. vhawk

    Cut off big fan leaves the day I started flowering and look..

    I've been pruning and training my ladies like I do my cherry tomatoes. A bent branch and a pruned leaf stimulate those shoots. But it's a balance.
  10. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Just put up the netting, pinched off a few very low buds. The flush yesterday resulted in a growth spurt. With only a 2x4 ft footprint I'm tight for space. Going to have to figure out a way to water and drain with out pulling them out again.
  11. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    The ladies have their 1 month birthday. I flushed them with pH corrected water the night before. I'll replace all those lost nutrients on the next watering. Growth is still vigorous. If I had room I'd be tying down the taller branches to make a more flat profile and encourage additional bud sites.
  12. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Trying to keep the temp at 75, rh below 60. Been checking the pH of water and nutrients to keep near 5.5 to 6.0. Have been treating the ladies like I do with my tomatoes with regards to getting them the shape I want. So far I have been lucky. The air circulation is vigorous enough that the...
  13. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Feel free to comment please. I'm sure theres plenty I don't know. Started as seed, germinated in wet towels. 1st week of Jan Moved to 2x4x6 tent. 2 clip on fans, in line 8 inch fan with carbon filter, 400w electronic ballast with HPS. 1/7 Planted in Fox Farms soil, 5 gallon smart pots...
  14. vhawk

    Is it to late to swap lights?

    Thanks Phase. Forums like this are amazing. I see experienced growers as field researchers now that I'm learning to grow. The smart guys/gals that get their hands dirty.
  15. vhawk

    Is it to late to swap lights?

    So thought I was doing ok, but oh so many ways to f$!k up. I started four northern lights from fem seeds 3 weeks ago. Since transplanting 2 weeks ago to 5 gallon smart pots I've had them under 400w hps. Is it too late to swap out for the metal halide bulb? Will something weird and unforeseen...