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  1. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Took forever but the ladies are flowering. I added a 125 watt CFL and a couple of 23 watt UVB CFL reptile bulbs
  2. vhawk

    The ONE thing to do BEFORE you grow

    Already on that bleach wagon. Thanks for bringing it up. I give the plastic drain water catchers a spray after I drain them. There's always a tiny bit of water I can't get out. The smart pots sit above any drainage. I've got them on rolling pot stands.
  3. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    I'm starting to think what some compant needs to make is a smart light. A single bank of LED lights that comes with preprogrammed light schedules. Something that covers the daily routine and can switch over automatically to flowering. That knows how and when to blend in the different parts of...
  4. vhawk

    The ONE thing to do BEFORE you grow

    "...discovering who knows what they are taking about is better..." That's the tough part. Especially when some of the guys that might know what they're talking about come off as assholes. Hard to listen to somebody when all your thinking about is how you want to shove a root ball in their...
  5. vhawk

    How would you prune/crop/train this mess?

    Top and side view after first heavy pruning. I think I'll give the ladies a couple days before I trim anymore. Better?
  6. vhawk

    How would you prune/crop/train this mess?

    Just flipped to 12/12 few days ago. They goddam shocked me how fast they grew in just a week. The under canopy is open, breezy. Of the 30 inches the bottom half is mostly leafless stems. I'm going to try and put one up for adoption. Maybe a friend will take one. I've got lots of other...
  7. vhawk

    How would you prune/crop/train this mess?

    That's what they look like outside their tent. They'd easily fill 14 Sq ft. Worried the overcrowding will cause issues later. But I don't know. Never grew before.
  8. vhawk

    How would you prune/crop/train this mess?

    My question: should I remove fan leaves, or maybe the smaller shoots or ?what? to maximize yield? My mistake was putting 4 pots in that grow space but I couldn't bring myself to toss one out. Any suggestions? 2×4×6 grow tent, 3 clip on fans, 1 hanging 10 in oscillating fan, 400w HPS, 6...
  9. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    I thought about it after reading your post and some others about supplemental CFL lighting, going to run it on one side of the tent and see if I get denser buds on that side.
  10. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Day 7 in 12/12. Can really easily see the pistils. I've ordered some supplemental CFL lights to hang on my corners. I am thinking of running them under the canopy.
  11. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Day 5 in 12/12. Flushed them out about 5 gallons per pot. They perked right up and stayed leaf tip pointing to the sky all day. Having them out of their little 2 foot by 4 foot tent really makes me think that one or two plants is plenty if they are cropped and trained right in a space that...
  12. vhawk

    The ONE thing to do BEFORE you grow

    Run off ec and pH was in need of correcting. Thanks for ass'in.
  13. vhawk

    The ONE thing to do BEFORE you grow

    Yes, BarnBuster, yes. Lol. I'm off to flush the ladies salty toes.
  14. vhawk

    Plants keep slowing down in growth

    I planted straight into the same size pots 6 days after germination in plastic cups. It didn't seem to slow them down. Your plants arent leggy so the light is probably ok, nor any funky shades of yellow or brown, leaves aren't curled, ruling out nutritional deficiency, or underwatering. I'm...
  15. vhawk

    600watt vert no cage

    Nice close up shots. Very sexy.
  16. vhawk

    The ONE thing to do BEFORE you grow

    If I sound cocky, unequivocal, or harsh its probably a by product of my work. My apologies.
  17. vhawk

    The ONE thing to do BEFORE you grow

    I'm a professional new guy. And I spent a lot of time saying oh shit to myself after coming really close to making a bunch of mistakes. I got lucky to spend as much time as I did reading.
  18. vhawk

    Hey everyone I'm the Top Shelf Grower

    Hello Top shelf. You write well: A Laid back, unpretentious tone. I think your choice of a nickname though might invite criticism of pics you post of anything less then perfect. I think we all hope to grow top shelf bud, myself included. When I chose a nick I went with something less pretentious...
  19. vhawk

    The ONE thing to do BEFORE you grow

    That ONE thing? It's spending about 4 to 6 hours reading. Trying to fix problems after they happen is a lot more difficult than prevention. Spent $100 on seed but only bought one crappy fan. Then shortly after that seed sprouts in waterlogged poorly draining over fertilized soil they...
  20. vhawk

    1st Grow NL using HPS

    Day 3 of 12/12. I need to give them a proper flush before I see signs of stress. Otherwise no issues. Two 6 inch clip on fans above the canopy, one below to circulate air below the canopy. Also suspended a 10 inch oscillating fan upside down from of the 6ft top of tent to cover everything.