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  1. FreshOffTheCut

    Help Identify Issue

    The ppm of my tap water is about 23, so I don't believe its high in minerals. My previous response above gives detail to my watering/feeding habits.
  2. FreshOffTheCut

    Help Identify Issue

    I'm using the big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom trio. I'm on day 26 since transplant from clone and only fed them this past week nutes & cal mag 2x because of deficiency signs (brown spots started appearing.) Other than that, they received tap water left out for 24 hours or longer. My first...
  3. FreshOffTheCut

    Help Identify Issue

    Negative, I've only given them 2 waterings with nutrients in the past 2 weeks. I use ff trio and only added ½ the strength they recommended and 2ml of cal mag per gallon of water, so I don't see how they could be over fed.
  4. FreshOffTheCut

    Help Identify Issue

    Hello, I'm in the beginning of 2nd week of flower. In this past week the leafs have started to show signs of deficiencies. I started giving nutes about 2 weeks ago because I'm using Ocean Forest soil, so I've been letting the plants soak up all the nutes from that. I'm using the FF trio. I've...
  5. FreshOffTheCut

    Drooping Leafs

    Hello fellow growers :weed: Getting to the end of week 3 since transplant of 2 clones. I noticed the leafs were droopy soil gave them a watering, no nutrients yet (most likely the next watering will have grow big from ff trio and cal mag.) But after watering them they became even more droopy...
  6. FreshOffTheCut

    Fan leaves stem splitting where it meets leaf? Normal? Pics inside

    Looks great my man! Getting closer to the best part of the grow, flowering season :weed:
  7. FreshOffTheCut


    No no no, I don't plan on doing it now. I was just asking whats a general time most people defoliate. I've taken off a couple of leafs so far, but they had deficiencies from the original cut of the clone.
  8. FreshOffTheCut


    For sure, thanks for the tip. How heavy do you go on the defoliation? I've seen vids and pictures of people's plants where they entirely strip the lower half of leaf.
  9. FreshOffTheCut


    Hello fellow growers :weed: Today marks Day 14 of the 2 clones I transplanted & WOW the growth has been insane. I've started LST pretty heavily on the Blue Lemonine because she has shot up exponentially compared to the Pineapple Breeze. I don't understand the difference in growth other than...
  10. FreshOffTheCut

    Help Identifying Yellow Spots

    After doing some research, I'm kinda leaning towards the fungus side - leaf septoria. I thoroughly cleaned my tent before set up, used new medium, and made sure it's all buttoned up. Only thing I can think of is being a clone, I brought it home with possible spots already but unsure. Don't...
  11. FreshOffTheCut

    Help Identifying Yellow Spots

    Hello, I'm growing 2 clones - Blue Lemonine & Pineapple Breeze. 2x2x5 tent, Mars hydro ts1000 light, grow medium is ff ocean forest. I've watered them twice and I'm at the end of week 2 since transplant. Using a humidifier to keep humidity between 45-60 and Temps vary from 75-82 or so. Both...
  12. FreshOffTheCut

    When to Start LST

    Appreciate you :D bongsmilie
  13. FreshOffTheCut

    When to Start LST

    They're photos. I only have a 5ft tent, and the light probably takes up a good 6 in from the top at max height. So I can only veg for a month or 2. This is only my second grow. Getting acclimated to trying different things.
  14. FreshOffTheCut

    When to Start LST

    Hello friends :D Mars Hydro TS1000, light is at 12" from highest canopy, FF Ocean Forest, 2.5' x 2.5' x 5' tent. Please see pictures below & 2 questions. 1. Is it beneficial or makes no difference to remove leaves with signs of issues? I bought these ladies as clones and they already had...
  15. FreshOffTheCut

    Droopy leaves - Transplant

    Happy to report they bounced back already :D:D Think it may have just been some shock from transplant on Saturday and not watering enough once planted. **edit** The soil doesn't look fully saturated, but the pots are heavy af and it produced a decent amount of run off.
  16. FreshOffTheCut

    Tap Water

    That's understandable. I watered Sunday and filled a bucket with tap water yesterday. It'll be left out a sufficient amount of time before their next watering. If I remember from my last grow, when their small like this it takes them a week or so before drying out enough to water again.
  17. FreshOffTheCut

    Tap Water

    To us new growers, it's like a foreign language :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  18. FreshOffTheCut

    Tap Water

    For sure I'll keep that in mind.
  19. FreshOffTheCut

    Tap Water

    Answered my own question lol. I found it on my cities water page. They treat it with chlorine so I'm good.
  20. FreshOffTheCut

    Tap Water

    How do I go about finding out what is used? My city water website?