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  1. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    Thanks I'm using some good outdoor bud and trim.. I guess I'll have to experiment, I don't want to make the oil too light
  2. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    Im after the dark paste that is usually sold in syringes marked as feco or rso.. I know all of them are diluted, I just wonder how much
  3. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    What's a good dilution ration with coconut oil? Anyone?
  4. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    Thanks! I'm almost ready for decarb
  5. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    Can I decarb the oil after I add coconut oil? I need to use coconut oil to gather all of it together
  6. S. African grower

    Urgent!! Can I decarb after adding coconut oil

    Can I decarb my feco after I add coconut oil? busy finishing off the evaporation now
  7. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    Sorry I can't find the link plz copy and paste for meh :p
  8. S. African grower

    Qwiso vs Feco?

    Thanks bro, the oil would mainly be used for medicating, but I would make a separate batch for myself to get high
  9. S. African grower

    Qwiso vs Feco?

    I'm looking to make some thc oils for some people at work, question is, wich extraction method should I use? Qwiso- quick wash or Feco- soak up to hours, extracting chlorophyll too I'm guessing I'll get more oil using feco, but wich method is mostly used commercially ?
  10. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    How long should I soak for? Qwiso- is a quick wash . Feco- is a long soak that pulls out more chlorophyll (so I believe ). I know it's a blunt question but I really need advice from someone. wich method is mostly used to make thc oil that's on the market?
  11. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    Thanks for the replies, I'm going to go with 99% food grade iso,should work wonders right?..
  12. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    100% sure I don't want to die or kill someone lol
  13. S. African grower

    Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?

    Can I make safe thc oil with 99.6% ethanol (the one used to clean pc boards etc)
  14. S. African grower

    Nearing harvest now I got mites!

    It's these lower buds that's the problem.. I tried increasing airflow to no avail.. But if you can zoom ull see it's not sooooooo bad
  15. S. African grower

    Nearing harvest now I got mites!

    The problem is these guys only selling outdoor here and to the fine eye you can also see it had either a mite or catipillar infestation.. It's the sad reality..yep I think oil may be the way if I'm not satisfied with how Clean it is after a water bath lol.
  16. S. African grower

    Nearing harvest now I got mites!

    Thanks for the wisdom guys so now it got me wondering if I could still make a pure shatter or oil with that tree rather than smoke.. I mean I got plenty smoke lol.
  17. S. African grower

    Nearing harvest now I got mites!

    What can I do! One of my best plants main cola is literally got a web over it from spidermites, I'm about 2 weeks from harvest is there anything I can do to save the precious bud?
  18. S. African grower

    If you have Facebook, please help me!

    Hahah yea I should have added "south Africans" lol I am a trusted Dutch passion retailer in south africa you may confirm that on Dutch passions official list of retailers
  19. S. African grower

    If you have Facebook, please help me!

    Yes there are massive farms here that are run by dirt poor tribes, they have never changed the genetics that have grow there forever, the genetics are here but they grow very poor pollinated product
  20. S. African grower

    If you have Facebook, please help me!

    Hahah yea I know but I need votes for recognition,