Is 99.6% ethanol safe for making thc oil?


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If you intend to leave some of the alcohol in your extract, then NO! The 99% ethanol purchased as a general cleaning fluid is denatured with methanol, as @GBAUTO says. It can sicken, blind, and kill you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies, I'm going to go with 99% food grade iso,should work wonders right?..
Isopropyl Alcohol

When using alcohol as a disinfectant or sanitizer, you’re probably using isopropyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol comes from propane, which usually comes from fossil fuels like petroleum and coal. Isopropyl alcohol is denatured, which means that a toxic substance has been added to prevent consumption. Isopropyl Alcohol is not suggested to use as a solvent for extracts. Isopropyl alcohol can leave behind unwanted contaminant's in your extracts.

Only if it is evaporated to the point there is no grade does not mean you can eat it, it is a cleaning solvent. Get grain alcohol, Ethanol, unless you are making shatter.


Well-Known Member
isopropyl is not denatured, denatured just means poisoned so they can sell it without the sin tax. iso is entirely different, it is C3H80....ethanol is C2H60....iso is not meant to be drunk, but it is not denatured, and will evaporate leaving no residue
This is 100% correct. I hate when people call ISO denatured. They are totally different.

ISO works great for extracts and is waaay cheaper then ethanol. I've used both and the end results are so similar that I don't bother wasting money on Ethanol just to evaporate it.

S. African grower

Well-Known Member
How long should I soak for? Qwiso- is a quick wash . Feco- is a long soak that pulls out more chlorophyll (so I believe ). I know it's a blunt question but I really need advice from someone. wich method is mostly used to make thc oil that's on the market?


Well-Known Member
How long should I soak for? Qwiso- is a quick wash . Feco- is a long soak that pulls out more chlorophyll (so I believe ). I know it's a blunt question but I really need advice from someone. wich method is mostly used to make thc oil that's on the market?
If you want to dab it or vape it, you want to do QWISO. It will give you the best flavor and cleanest product. I would generally make Qwiso for anything other then strictly medical ingestion. FECO and RSO are prefered for medical consumption because they aren't usually smoked and have a broader range of cannabinoids in them. Click the link in my sig line, on page 134 I have a tutorial for making excellent quality qwiso.