Search results

  1. Zogs

    Another shitty ViparSpectra grow

    . No idea what to recommend for that size of grow. But definitely not vipars. If you go the cob route it's 1 cob per plant. I just did a quick price check on the QB 288's, looks like you can get 2 cobs for 1 QB.I may be out to lunch, but I am thinking 2 plants per QBz(4 smaller) . I really...
  2. Zogs

    Another shitty ViparSpectra grow

    If you are asking because you are thinking about buying a VS , don't do it. Yes they will grow nice weed, but you can find more efficient lights with a far better spectrum for the same $ value. An AutoCob 3500k from cobshop dot net is $125 and is half the power consumption of a 300w...
  3. Zogs

    Another shitty ViparSpectra grow

    Looks like they did on decent job on those girls. Grats on your harvest ! My vs900 and 300 are funding my way to better light set ups. The only reason I don't like them is they aren't efficient at all and my wife chases after me with the power bill each month.
  4. Zogs

    Is she ready ?

    Hey, thanks guys. it's a sticky mess poking around them things tying to get a good view of the trichomes. I think I need to do a little more reading up on how/where to check them.
  5. Zogs

    Is she ready ?

    Hi , I'm on week 7 of a photoperiod blueberry and I could use a little help. The pistols are still pretty white making me think this grow could go another 2 weeks plus. But the trichomes seem like they are about ready for me to chop at week 8. I had a really hard time getting a good sugar pic...
  6. Zogs

    300w LED

    I wouldn't put 1000$ into mars lights that's for sure . I did however get suckered into buying one of their 100ish watt cob lights for like $300. Look elsewhere to invest your $1000. I like cobshop net or optic
  7. Zogs

    Green Friday Promo With 15% Discount and Multiple Seeds Up For Grabs.

    Hi from Canada , Happy green Friday !