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  1. tick tack toe

    Big Bomb - Coco - CFL - LED CXB3070

    oh the last two pictures. I have a box that I dry in. here are all the buds. The next picture is scissor hash. The big ball is from the mainline and the smaller one from the 4 way.
  2. tick tack toe

    Big Bomb - Coco - CFL - LED CXB3070

    The final chop has come. Today I took down two plants and got them ready for drying. Yield is very low but because I waited just a little longer .... the high is a happy one. It should be enough to last until the next grow. So overall .... I'll be happy. :D I have a ton of popcorn .... it was...
  3. tick tack toe

    Pictures of your DIY lights - Post your pics!!!

    I posted my lights on page 4 of this thread and I would love to know how to use them better. I have 4 cbx3070 ad 3000k cobs spaced out in a 38cm square. I have no lens on them and I would like to use it in a 80x80cm tent. Have I spaced the cobs out correctly? Where would be the best place for...
  4. tick tack toe

    Will drying in same room tent is in help with smell

    Sorry I should say my inlet tube is passive ..... :D
  5. tick tack toe

    Will drying in same room tent is in help with smell

    My box stays at 20 degree (68f) and stays dark, rh at 50%. The box is not closed but tucked into the side of my tent. Basically a passive intake and the room stays clean. Have a look at these pictures, you can see it opened slightly against the tent. fresh air comes in here ... the pink think is...
  6. tick tack toe

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    yea, my first ever grow has been my best. In soil, in a pot and generally left alone. Sadly I do have black thumbs, unlike the rest of my green-thumbed family. I make mistakes that others would think is wrong even before doing it I fear. I changed to coco on my second grow when I went...
  7. tick tack toe

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    My home water comes out at 7.6 to 8. I ph that down to 5.8 - 6.0 What kind of RO system do I need? I've been looking on ebay and there are all sorts of styles. cheapest for 35euro is a three stage (i'm in europe). It says it is made for aquariums. I only am a personal grower so I need nothing...
  8. tick tack toe

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    I am using coco but I think I over watered during veg so it didn't create a good root ball .... therefore I think I might have over watered coco. I do have very crappy water that has an ec of 0.7 (of that 87mg/l is calcium and 13mg/l is magnesium). Ever since coming here I have had issue just...
  9. tick tack toe

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    I just got my worst yield in my life. Now I am not sure if it is because I am still learning (aka I suck) or if their is something wrong with my light. It was my first run on LED lights. I have 4 cxb3070 3000k cobs being run by a maxwell 1400. It pulls about 220 watts when all going. Could I...
  10. tick tack toe

    Big Bomb - Coco - CFL - LED CXB3070

    Day 14 of veg (yesterday) Here is my blue dream and trainwreck. I have repotted them (day 15) but don't have any pictures. I have been feeding them and waiting for it to dry out about 50% while only feeding at 1/3 strength. I feed them 75% strength yesterday. Today I repotted them and feed...
  11. tick tack toe

    Big Bomb - Coco - CFL - LED CXB3070

    well this grow is pretty much a write off. Cut one plant down as it was the hermie that screwed me. here it is before the chop. and after oh what could have been if I didn't screw up. It was going to go purple too. I've done a few things wrong in this grow as this is my worst result ever...
  12. tick tack toe

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    Need some advice from water people :) In trying to learn why my grows never seem to work out, water is my next variable to figure out. In my grows, a few weeks into flower, my leave start turning. It looks like a mag or phosphorus deficiency. I watch my ph going in, I've tried lower feeds...
  13. tick tack toe

    World Of Hempy

    thanks guys. My og is meant to be indica dom (dinafem seeds) so I'll give it a fling. I need a night time weed as getting home from work I don't really like Sativa (even though it is my favorite overall). My Blue dream and Trainwreck are going to be mainlined for 8 colas and then I hope to have...
  14. tick tack toe

    Coco Growers Unite!

    thanks for the link. In my last grow I completely over watered. Never let it get dry. This time I will balance better. :) I do use canna coco but hesi nutes that link was great ...... especially the part down the bottom, damage. I live in a hard water area and never understood why pk 13/14 made...
  15. tick tack toe

    Coco Growers Unite!

    watering in coco has been my issue and I would like some advice on how to do it more correctly to get the "coco growth". I have decided that the reason for the weak yield in my last grow is all down to watering. I know the key to coco is watering it often but to do that the roots must be grown...
  16. tick tack toe

    World Of Hempy

    I have 2 female og kush seed that I'd like to pop to go along with my main grow. My main grow has a flowering time of about 70 days (HSO blue dream and trainwreck) I would like one cola sticks from the og kush. I only have a small space so this is about as much as I can cram in. I am thinking...
  17. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    here is my first try at mainlining. I made a 8 node mainlined plant. In all I have 3 plants. While I managed to keep an even canopy, my bud size suck. I still have lots to learn. I made a few/many mistakes but as a black thumb ... baby steps. I'm on my next grow and I would like some...
  18. tick tack toe

    Big Bomb - Coco - CFL - LED CXB3070

    It's been a while since last update. Lights are lower and plants don't look great. I have found a few seeds in some popcorn buds so that means a plant hermied on me. Since haven't found where. This will explain why my bud are pretty damn small. These were all taken on Day 46 I don\t know...
  19. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    thanks guys. I'll give it a go.
  20. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Has anyone ever tried mainlining blue dream and trainwreck? I am just close to finishing a grow where I experimented with mainlining and would like to know if these two strains would work well ..... or should I scrog them. I have a 80 x 80cm (2.5 x 2.5) tent and about 120 of grow height space...