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  1. tick tack toe

    Grow with me cxb3070 3000k

    I'm using coco and have 8 liter pots. This allows them to dry out a little between feedings. my first water they get 660ml of food at 1.2EC, 4 hours later I feed again 500ml and then again in 4 hours for another 500ml. I try to aim feedings 2 hours after and before light on/off and then again in...
  2. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    here is the top of my blue dream that I mainlined out for 4. My friend would like to try so I am giving him this plant. I am also giving him the trained top of my trainwreck but that is still growing so the training on the last set of nodes has yet to begin.
  3. tick tack toe

    Do i have this LST thing started correctly ?

    yes and no in my opinion. those lower leaves are not really going to be growing for you. The third node normally is a strong one for me. I would not start training until around the 4- 5 node and then put the wire between the 2nd and 3rd node or even better the 3 and 4th node. this will give you...
  4. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    here I am 7 days into flower. Blue Dream on left, Trainwreck on right mainlined to 8 and a single small OG kush.
  5. tick tack toe

    Grow with me cxb3070 3000k

    here we have the plants at 7 days of flower. I moved my lights down to 10 inches. Do you guys think this is a good distance? I have three types here all grown from seed. Back left is a 8 cola Blue Dream, right is the 8 cola Trainwreck and in the front is an OG Kush. You can really see...
  6. tick tack toe

    Is she ready?

    to me the first one just looks ready and by that I mean at the beginning of your window. You could leave it for another week. The second to me is just starting to go cloudy. I say 2 weeks. funny saying these things ... knowing these things ... and I always pick early :D
  7. tick tack toe


    how many days did you grow out the hso blue dream. I have one now I just turned to flower.
  8. tick tack toe

    Grow with me cxb3070 3000k

    it's only 80cm by 80 cm. I think too small for 3 plants but .... I'll see what i can stack in.
  9. tick tack toe

    3rd CXA3070 grow DNA Lemon Walker

    That's looking really good. Watching as you grow :D
  10. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Here is another picture. Still not the greatest but you can see it is mainlined.
  11. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    yes I am in the right thread. Not a great picture there but this is a 8 cola mainline. Nugbuckets said he lollipops in week two .... so just makin sure lol I've never lollipopped before, how many nodes should I take off .. from what you can see in the picture above?
  12. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    today is day one of flower. When should I lollipop my plants for best overall production? I am growing blue dream and trainwreck from HSO seeds. I have some thick ass side stems. When do I start cutting these off? Do I wait until week 2 or do it sooner?
  13. tick tack toe

    Grow with me cxb3070 3000k

    Okay so this will be my second grow with these LED's and I hope like hell it works better :) It failed completely so I'm looking for advice so if you have anything to share please go ahead. I'm growing two fully mainlined plants (Blue Dream and Trainwreck from HSO) and an OG Kush. They were...
  14. tick tack toe

    Mother/clones or mainlining, how to proceed?

    It's an old kitchen cupboard but that might have to change. The plants are getting stinky in veg. It is 60 x 60 and about 40cm height growing area.
  15. tick tack toe

    Mother/clones or mainlining, how to proceed?

    I was thinking of getting less light. How many clf bulbs do you think I need to slow the growth but not stretch the plants?
  16. tick tack toe

    Mother/clones or mainlining, how to proceed?

    how many clones should I put in my tent?
  17. tick tack toe

    Mother/clones or mainlining, how to proceed?

    I am not sure how to proceed and I am searching for some advice. Currently I am growing two plants that I have mainlined for 8 colas. They are going into flip next week. While I was growing out the main plants, I had to trim them down. I had read that you can just cut the top off, and stick it...
  18. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    I need some help guys. What should I do. When I was trying to train one branch broke off. Should I break an arm off the other side to keep them even? I have only 3 weeks of veg left (so it can be picked before christmas and some dry by NY).... what is my best option?
  19. tick tack toe

    The Main-Lining Thread

    here's my second go at mainlining. Just hit 28 days in veg and growing out 4 nodes. here is the structure of my first plant.
  20. tick tack toe

    Double Bonsi mother and cloner ideas

    I have decided that I would like two mother plants. I'm limited on space so I want to keep this as small as possible. This is the first time I have gone in this direction so I need support. While I would like to keep the plants year round (a few years) but I am only a personal grower. This...