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  1. weedychris

    M Or F?!?!?

    heres the picture of the second plant, i took two so you could get an even better look at them. going with whats been said about the 1st and 3rd plants then this second one is definitely a female but still give me your thoughts, and what you think of my grow OPPPP
  2. weedychris

    M Or F?!?!?

    yoooooo fellow rolleruppers, i have 4 plants, i originally had 5 and one was showing def signs of a male so i pulled it. everyone seems to be asking 'is this a male or a female' so i thought i would ask also. attatched are 4 pictures. the closer pics are of three different plants, and one plants...
  3. weedychris

    Foliar feeding while budding

    YOOOO, im pretty sure ive got 4 females on the grow and they have been budding for 10 days so far. i was just wondering if i should foliar feed (spray the plants leaves) during the budding period, because i did this often during the veg stage, and if so, how often should i spray them during...
  4. weedychris

    changed the cycle

    changed the cycle just wondering if i should use carbonated water and is it allright to mix the nutes in that to, or would it be good if i sparyed thee plants with it and not just watered them
  5. weedychris

    Wal-Mart fertilizers

    im going to be flowering my plants soon, and i also planned on buying the schultz bloom from wal mart, im just wondering hows it going so far? and hows using 1/4 strength working out?
  6. weedychris

    Whats Your Advice

    well for 1) they dont sell them in wally world (walmart) and 2) ive gone to every store in my hometown and not seen any 100w or 150w cfl's
  7. weedychris

    Whats Your Advice

    so can you not put your clones straight into 12/12? also, my vertical height is 2 and a half feet, so i agree, i think that i need to start flowering now, but im pretty sure that the smell will be a problem, thanks for the help
  8. weedychris

    Whats Your Advice

    what do you have you cfl's attatched to? and where did you get it? its looking rather handy.
  9. weedychris

    Whats Your Advice

    i only have one box to grow in, so do you think i should cut some clones and put them in the same box then start 12/12, or would it be better to start 12/12 and then clone them?
  10. weedychris

    Whats Your Advice

    i have one 43 watt cfl, and three 23 watt cfl's, so with the actual wattage that they put out thats like, 450watts if im correct, and i have a 4 ft flourescent worklight right beside them, if you can see it and thats putting out 60 watts.
  11. weedychris

    Whats Your Advice

    My plants are looking pretty good, and gettin rather tall ( ive topped them all already) and was just wondering what do YOU think the best way to figure out the sex of these plants is? Should i take a snippin' and maybe put it somewhere else and put it on 12/12 and see what it does or should i...
  12. weedychris

    my plants have holes in them!!!!!!

    im pretty sure its bugs buttt i dont really know ive found a few bugs in there theres half leaves and little holes in leaves ive only found one or two bugs in therre one was white and hanging from the top of my box??? can someone please help me! and help can i stop the bugs if its them im using...
  13. weedychris

    i have a problem... and its yellow

    yo thanks for replying to my post, what would be an easy way of testing the pH of my soil? probably getting a soil test kit from wal mart er something right? and by looking at the pics of my plants do you think they have a nitrogen problem?
  14. weedychris

    i have a problem... and its yellow

    yoooo, alright i have some plants, and they were doing good for a while, a couple days ago the older leaves started turning yellow, so i thouht it was a nitrogen deficiency, ( i duno if thats right or not) so i thought the only way to fix it was to give them lots of nitrogen the next time i...
  15. weedychris

    some questions from a newbie grower

    well ive been growing for two weeks now and its way too exciting, anyways, ive been doing lots of reading and viewing and i cant find any real answers on how and when to properly mist your plants with co2 water. im wondering what size your plants should be when you should start using this stuff...