M Or F?!?!?


Active Member
yoooooo fellow rolleruppers, i have 4 plants, i originally had 5 and one was showing def signs of a male so i pulled it. everyone seems to be asking 'is this a male or a female' so i thought i would ask also. attatched are 4 pictures. the closer pics are of three different plants, and one plants is still too small and not really showing any signs. give me your thoughts!




pic #1 and #3 are females, i cant see #2. i think i may see a female flower, but not positive... those white hairs are female preflowers... congradulations, you have daughters :D


Well-Known Member
Okay my thought is that you got there 2 female plants and one, the second one where i can't tell by the pic you posted... the first and the third plant seems to be 99% female since the show the characteristic whit hairs:)

make another (closer) pic of number 2 and i may be able to tell what it is:)


Active Member
heres the picture of the second plant, i took two so you could get an even better look at them. going with whats been said about the 1st and 3rd plants then this second one is definitely a female but still give me your thoughts, and what you think of my grow OPPPP




yep, fem again good going, everything looks ok so far, keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
congrats chris, they are all female and you have really a habit of getting always a leave in the way on your pics;)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
nice set up Mr. Chris

those plants are about to explode in HEIGHT.... you may want to start bending them over..



Active Member
nice set up Mr. Chris

those plants are about to explode in HEIGHT.... you may want to start bending them over..

ya one is already gettin crazy tall, i plan on building another box for them in the next few days but im not sure on how tall to make it. the tallest plant is 14 inches high and theyve been flowering for 10 days now, so im thinking like four feet high? is that aboot right?

Jimmy Johnston

Well-Known Member
those white hairs are female preflowers...
i always thought those white hairs were stigmata, and pistils were female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an ovary, style, and stigma.
What is a female preflower? i cant find the definition anywhere.:roll:



Well-Known Member
The preflower is the calyx when it first shows and has two white pistils in the shape of a v, that is a female preflower