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  1. Jahulath

    diy led

    Yup and then I'll market it worldwide and get a good treefiddy ($3.50) :D I'm still not convinced it would work, if I was less lazy then I would put lights into my model so you could see the actual light placement cos I'm fairly sure it won't work with my layout so good as for example Gastankers...
  2. Jahulath

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...

    Wise is the word friend but sadly also expensive :( those ali extrusions are proper expensive for what you get, anyone would have thought it was difficult to smelt and extrude an already expensive metal at a mere 500c hehe. I'm getting to think that there may be more one can do. Looking in old...
  3. Jahulath

    diy led

    That's a damned good idea there, I'm not convinced that they would be a reasonable length in order to work properly though. I am so undecided I mocked it up in 3d but that didn't help either :( You can kinda see what I mean though, because the LED are spread across the board the angle that...
  4. Jahulath

    diy led

    Grrr your going to make me go over budget. I keep finding myself looking at these and thinking how much penetration I'd get with a total 14900...
  5. Jahulath

    NFT closet grow

    Yummy, thanks for the underskirt shots - people are so prudish about showing their ladies ankles hehe.
  6. Jahulath

    LED Party Cup Competition - Official Thread

    Puff, That right there is a solid foot of joy :)
  7. Jahulath

    My First Grow LED AutoFlower

    Erm if you liked that then I am following a combo of Guod, Gastanker and the fella in the video at the end of this Guod has nailed a really peachy design (dude, it's R elegant), Gastanker has had non LED related...
  8. Jahulath

    diy led

    Ahh ok, I bought some cheapo 10w jobs from China, the blue ones (middle) have a lens but the rest don't, heres a pic: Still waiting on the other half of my kit but when it comes... I sat and typed out my research thus far - no factual statements of my own but there are some interesting links...
  9. Jahulath

    My research into light, LED and growing (as I see it)

    Hi all, please don't think me arrogant and I know I am a noob etc. I have spent the last three weeks researching as I design a light I HAVE NEVER GROWN A CANNABIS PLANT. Having spent literally weeks and as I have some free time I figured why not put it out there and see what happens - if I can...
  10. Jahulath

    Sound like potential for a DIY lamp?

    So I've been thinking today about heat sinks and how to get them cheaper than cheap. I have a suspicion that the real answer is thrift stores. Now a thrift store is gonna have a few items that contain epic heatsinks, the two I've thought of so far are: Mini fridges, the 12v ones for chilling...
  11. Jahulath

    diy led

    90 Degree lenses sounds like a great idea, how do they attach? From the image it looks like you already have lenses on each unit but that may just be my mind filling in detail that ain't really there :)
  12. Jahulath

    Cheapo DIY Chinese LED grow. 200w

    Awesome thread, just sat and read the lot. Am on the case myself - seduced by 10W emitters at $1-5 a piece (I think someone messed up cos I bought two 20W 3000k LEDs for 0.99 each with free pnp - next day 50 bucks lmao). Am taking about 220W of various types and whacking them onto some Aluminium...
  13. Jahulath

    Sound like potential for a DIY lamp?

    Thanks for the response! Heat is my main concern (actually my flammable possessions are) so I actually plan to run everything at it's lowest rated voltage already. I deal with computers for a living so Thermal runaway has a meaning to me, you are coming from a different angle but the principle...
  14. Jahulath

    diy led

    Well you just became my hero. I have a $100 project on myself, all 10w LED for the absolute lowest price I could find. $ per lumen is my game and I have been feeling rather humbled by all of the people that swear that plants won't grow unless you spend $1,000,000 and offer up your anus. I am a...
  15. Jahulath

    My First Grow LED AutoFlower

    I love a good graph.
  16. Jahulath

    How do you install a 50w LED floodlight indoors?

    I wanna know how this turned out! I ordered a bunch of 10w led from fleabay (220w worth cost me just under $80 - total budget is a $100 gamble I say 70% likely to be work with a chance of awesomeness)
  17. Jahulath

    Sound like potential for a DIY lamp?

    Really? Aww hell, I was hoping that I would get away with running it passively :( I was rather hoping for better performance than 220W of light AND heat. The plan (probably a bit hopeful tho) is to mount the LEDs and the resistors, a total of 4 large 100-150W aluminium ones (for max heat...
  18. Jahulath

    Sound like potential for a DIY lamp?

    So I have been looking at stuff on fleabay and have seen and other similar goodies ranging from 10W @400lm to 100W @10000lm with some nice white ones in the middle. I propose this: 4* 10w @ 460nm = 1200lm...