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  1. D

    Outtake fan during veg?

    Just the out take as stated but my stems are weak started falling over my seedlings are only 9 days old now my out take is on will that b ok or should I get a small fan in there if I can I'm just limited for room
  2. D

    Outtake fan during veg?

    Anyone would b greatful thanks
  3. D

    Outtake fan during veg?

    It's the only fan I have and it's drawing air out into my attic is that ok I've disconnected the CF for now that sound okay it's only a small room 80cm x 90cm and 7 ft high sound ok?
  4. D

    Outtake fan during veg?

    Is it a must to have my outtake fan on during in veg with my CF on the end sucking the air through or is the outtake strictly for smell?
  5. D

    8 days in from seed couple questions

    No reply still ?
  6. D

    4 of my seedlings has 2 leaves other has 3 more inside

    Why does one of my seedlings have 3 leaves on its first set whilst others have 2? Thanks
  7. D

    8 days in from seed couple questions

    Plagron light mix 1/4 nutes sound okay from 3 weeks old or ?
  8. D

    8 days in from seed couple questions

    So I'm 8 days in everything looks healthy just a little bit worries to why my first leaves are starting to stand up like \../ is this a problem ? There nice and green looking real good new leaves just starting to show , I'm growing in 7 1/2 litre pots how long should I veg for from seed ...
  9. D

    My seedlings help please

    How do I post pictures via mobile?
  10. D

    My seedlings help please

    Still nothing I know this community will provide me with an answer come on guys please
  11. D

    First grow maybe an emergency ?

    It a slight tear in the leaf hope she pulls through also is it normal for first leaves to be curling under when they first sprout ?
  12. D

    First grow maybe an emergency ?

    One of my sprouts leaves appears ripped will it be ok how did this occur ??? Thanks
  13. D

    My seedlings help please

    Still no one? Come on guys :)
  14. D

    My seedlings help please

    Also one of the leaves looks ripped
  15. D

    My seedlings help please

    There light pale green I think I might just be nervous lol there my first babies :P one of the leaves on the one is really drooped down this normal for new seedlings ?
  16. D

    My seedlings help please

    Plagron light mix
  17. D

    My seedlings help please

    Slightly panicking lol noob butterfly's anyone please?
  18. D

    Did I kill my beans, or too soon to tell?

    Mine took 3-5 days I wouldn't worry until at least 7-8 days keep soil moist not wet and don't add nutes
  19. D

    My seedlings help please

    Is that ok also I'm watering them when the top of soil is drying out abit(dry and moist patches) but I'm not giving them much water just wetting the top of the soil with a syringe that sound ok , no nutes yet but also when do I add my great white mycorrhizae powder to the watering ?
  20. D

    My seedlings help please

    I'm growing in soil hydroponics shop said doesn't matter I live in the uk I think it's constant 6-7