My seedlings help please


So my seeds have sprouted through in the last 24 hours the leaves that are forming are a little pale is this normal?


Is that ok also I'm watering them when the top of soil is drying out abit(dry and moist patches) but I'm not giving them much water just wetting the top of the soil with a syringe that sound ok , no nutes yet but also when do I add my great white mycorrhizae powder to the watering ?


Well-Known Member
without pic, it is really difficult to tell sth.
It doesnt sound like you have a problem, I mean how pale it is :S you see, I dont have any idea.
And it is wise decision to not giving any nutes, they are kind of small for that.


There light pale green I think I might just be nervous lol there my first babies :P one of the leaves on the one is really drooped down this normal for new seedlings ?


Well-Known Member
Let me put it like this.. I grow in coco, a pretty neutral medium (no nutes,) so for the first 7-10 days before giving nutes, the seedlings are living on just what they got going on in their little seeds. They come out how they come out.. Some are darker than others.. You need to relax though, you wont get any more replies by repeating yourself.