Search results

  1. M

    Is anyone coming from 1000w mh/hps that is getting similar or better results with LEDs?

    All things aside, I am not asking about the cheapest methods, DIY builds or 3.21 jigawatts per foot. My only concern is getting results similar to/better than an air cooled 1000w HID in a 5x5 area - in terms of yield/quality and heat dissipation. I know people swear by HLG style quantum boards...
  2. M

    Did I setup my carbon filter wrong

    One option would be to put an inline filter on the outside of your box ducted to the fan at the end. So light -> ducting -> wall -> ducting -> in line filter -> ducting -> fan sucking. You can gorilla tape hepa material onto the suction area of the light to keep debris out. While blowing into...
  3. M


    That sounds like a good build. I prefer the square type totes. The roots clogging issue is one reason I stayed away from the low hdx style totes many are fond of using. Curious, are you upping to 3" pipe to reduce the instance of root clog issues? Also, is your system going to be an actual 5...