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  1. N

    2-3 foot plant......when should i flower it with cfl's?? im thinkink soon.....right?

    my avatar is one plant 10 days ago. at 2 feet. its almost a foot taller now. its in a 6 gallon pale......... my strain is NORTHERN LIGHTS. i have 27 seeeds left, from my outdoor grows, very good smoke, my biggest outdoor girl was over 12
  2. N

    2-3 foot plant......when should i flower it with cfl's?? im thinkink soon.....right?

    well, its only 4 weeks old tomorrow,lol.....i didnt mean it, it just friggin grew 2 inches a day!! i have 12,000++ lumens, 10 lamps.........and im going to add a few more soon. thats per each plant. 3 grows.........
  3. N

    2-3 foot plant......when should i flower it with cfl's?? im thinkink soon.....right?

    hey cfl growers....... i have a 2-3 foot plant, a couple, and a few small ones, thinking i should flower soon. im hearing, with cfls, a 3footer is as big as u want, is this true???? id like ur input please...... experience with this.? i am a "some what experienced grower", in that i...
  4. N

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    its called "HYTECH", i bought it at the local electrical supply house......: CED i think.......(City Electric Supply)....its actually warm white(yellow spectrum) in the color rating index. thats why i have 13 and 27w t-2 cool veg.....ill switch to all warms for flowering.......i...
  5. N

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    before it burnt up, i hade a 6900 lumen, 105 watt, 11 inch long cfl. that bastrad would REALLY burn
  6. N

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    i have a 42 watt that u can touch. and i have 27 and 13watters that will burn the shit out of if i did a tub grow, id consider two or three 42 watters, its hit and miss tho.....just buy one, and see how hot it gets, in comparison, if u like it, ditch the others.......
  7. N

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    that light list is for each plant. there in 5 gallon pots. and if i read correctly, i shouldnt let em get much bigger.......right????? if i start to flower a two footer, it should be over 3 foot before its done, i assume, and yeild no more then an ounce or two........i hope..... input is much...
  8. N

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    hey everyone!!!! i am growing with cfls for the first time also. i am realizing that these NL plants arnt growing as fast. i have 3 plants, 4 weeks old, like the one in my avatar, they are two feet tall. then i have 3 plants that are 6-10 inches, and 3 more seedlings. im about to flower all 9...
  9. N

    whats up with these leaves? PICS

    i am ofcourse assuming, she is in atleast a 5 gallon bucket........or larger.......
  10. N

    whats up with these leaves? PICS

    it looks good to me. i agree, when the buds grow fast with a bloomer, they steal from the leaves energy. it also seems to be a lil too wet. id drench her, then let her dry untill she is almost wilting(but dont actually ler her wilt), just let her get BONE then, id flush her a second...
  11. N

    I'm Thinking Mag Def.

    i think u may be either over watering, or, your plants need more root space(bigger pot), they really dont need oist dirt, dry, oxiginated dirt is much better. just give em a big drink once per week.........
  12. N

    oops.....3 pot....what do i do?

  13. N

    magnesium defecient!...??????.........

    also, u may be overwatering, or, over nitro-ing, id flush the soil, and let it get bone dry. really dry. but, i could be
  14. N

    magnesium defecient!...??????.........

    i will try to post pics today, the mag prob is better,lol, the epsom helped. i have a great link for
  15. N

    CFL dimming

    companies donot give replacements unless u bought it their, normally, requiring a reciept. its sound like your bulb(lamp), is bad. the ballast often fails in cfl's. you said u borrowed it, ud be best to try a diffrent lamp(to make sure the voltage and wiring are good, try to use a cfl to check...
  16. N

    oops.....3 pot....what do i do?

    sweet thanks!!!!!!!!!
  17. N

    magnesium defecient!...??????.........

    thanks man. i usaully grow outdoors. im a first time cfl grower. lol. i apreciate the info!!!!
  18. N

    magnesium defecient!...??????.........

    i have 3 nl plants, the biggest is 18 inches. their 4 weeks old. i have recently concluded, with the help of awsome people here, that i am mag deficient. i added epsom salt today. i also added 4800 lumens to my closet today. (3 more 27w warm), how long before i see a result??? and will the...