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  1. bubblebucketguy

    Long Roots or Bushy Roots?

    correct the tips are not only at the very end of the roots, look closely and ull see all down the string of roots there are many little tips that branch off. they breath and drink from all of these.
  2. bubblebucketguy

    clones with trichomes?

    ive found this to happen when the plant is stressed in one form or another, had it happen to me this round too, but it was because my timer went out on me without me knowing and they were getting wierd lighting schedules. all in all i would look for anything that may have stressed them out, or...
  3. bubblebucketguy

    Methods on keeping colas up in buckets?

    KISS, keep it simple stoner :) , i use a tomatoe cage on each bucket and have a hole in the lid itself for adding and removing water from the bucket w a flap of black plastic to cover so light wont get thru.. i never remove the top of my bucket the entire growth, in fact its snapped down on the...
  4. bubblebucketguy

    pH help!

    i had this probem in flowering with the ph rising all the time! i started using h202 and it cleared things right up. it kills and disinfects ur buckets and resovour. i think pathageons start up when the water temps rise and this will help,
  5. bubblebucketguy

    Anyone using general hydroponics flora Nova grow and bloom?

    i use GH, gro micro bloom , florablend, florolicious, kool bloom, and the neactar passion fruit. I love the results, great prices, in gallons. and simple to use. i deffinatly reccommed! but then again have no experience w AN, except for rhino skin. i add that too
  6. bubblebucketguy

    Ph problemo

    i just use regular tap h2o
  7. bubblebucketguy

    Is this plant too young to clone?

    you can take one of the lower side branches off right now and no it wont hurt the plant.
  8. bubblebucketguy

    Food coloring in DWC res?

    id like to see what a heavy dose of purple would do in late flowering...
  9. bubblebucketguy

    Ice Hash

    not unless ur fan leaf ball had any trics on the fan leaves. I use the lower 1/3 of my plants airy buds for bubble bag hash making, from 12 plants i average around 30g hash. I use bubble bags, 2 five gallon buckets, a electric drill and paint mixer, a large bag of ice and do about 2 rinses with...
  10. bubblebucketguy

    LA confidential (CA Medical grow)

    Dude i totally know what you mean, lol CHOMP! LOL that shit made me laugh out loud when i read it ...too :clap:funny
  11. bubblebucketguy

    AK-48 babies possible pH problem?

    id say the soil you have them in would be causing some of ur problems, looks very heavy and not breatheable for the roots, i know you said they are in dwc now but it also looks like mold or salt buildup in the top of the soil in the grey color. If they are in dwc they should be in the range of...
  12. bubblebucketguy

    PH dropping after 24 hrs??!!

    well im feeding with all 16 essential nutes, everything is in the nutes i give them, they are showing tip burn and no defeciacies, so i would say they are ok but i really wouldnt know for sure they just look happy, besides the ph prob. So toady i check them and they are low again at 5.7 so i add...
  13. bubblebucketguy

    PH dropping after 24 hrs??!!

    last night i fed them with the above nutes and quantities. and upped the ph to 6.7 to see if it would fall over night like normal back into the 5's. well to my suprise this morning they are still in the 6's at 6.5 to be exact. Soo not sure if its fixed or just temporaly gona stay there, but im...
  14. bubblebucketguy

    PH dropping after 24 hrs??!!

    Hey guys thanks for the fast responses! OK, i have 5-5gal DWC non recirculating buckets, same strain as last ak-47, i like to keep my ph at 6.0 but lately its impossible. Ive read good things about the silica additive pro-tek and says something about adding disease resistence and stronger...
  15. bubblebucketguy

    PH dropping after 24 hrs??!!

    Ok so bubble buckets, adjusted to 6.0 using dyna grow nutes, ( grow, bloom, cal mag and pro tek silicone solution). currently on 2nd grow with no problems like this on the first and doing everything the same. So after one day being at 6.0 the next moring they slide to 4.3-4.5. ANY INSIGHT ON...
  16. bubblebucketguy

    Plant Magic Plus Nutrients, any good?

    personally ive never heard of the product line before...
  17. bubblebucketguy

    Wick system need help!

    Well since you will be straining the tea mixture, i doubt there will be any big particles in the mix. i would use yellow sticky traps for the gnats and look for some kind of plant safe pesticide to get rid of them. I think the source of the gnats in the first place could be the too moist coco...
  18. bubblebucketguy

    I would like to know if i should stop using nutrients on my plant

    yeah didnt mean aerogardens brand were the best i was actually speaking of areoponics in gereral. Arent the aero gardens based of the same aeroponics princible?? roots being sprayed one way or another?
  19. bubblebucketguy

    PH fluctuationsdiving after one day??!!

    Homebrewer, yeah i am also using the pro-tek forgot to mention that above. i went ahead and bought new air stones and washed and scrubbed out the remaining silicone. That HAS got to be it there is nothing i did differntly from last grow to this one except the silicone the air stones to the...
  20. bubblebucketguy

    First DIY Aeroponics System, Need Help! (Pics Included)

    keep the h20 touching the net pots til visable roots are hanging out of the pot and touching the water, then u can let the plant use the h20 or just take a little out so the level is just like an inch below the net pots so just the roots are hanging in the water. this should solve alot of...