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  1. M

    Weed Wars

    what does any of this have to do with wearing a dress to a tax board meeting? hell, i like to dress casual like the next man, but i'd still wear a suit. also, who in this thread has bashed anyone for being "gay" or "fruity." i did a quick search of the thread and you're the only one whose even...
  2. M

    Weed Wars

    in all seriousness, they shouldn't have sent "dress" to the tax board meeting. a grown man in a dress isn't going to help your case at all.
  3. M

    Weed Wars

    just rewatched the latest episode. i hate that the old guy said he didn't get high enough. it's probably because he didn't even cover the carb while hitting the flowers or hash. i wish the producers force fed him bong hits, blunts, joints, earwax and edibles.
  4. M

    Trimming Fan Leaves a Consensus Part 1

    i'm trimming fan leaves this time around. i have bushy plants and they're blocking the lower branches and bud sites. in an previous grow, it seemed to help powdery mildew thrive. i understand they're like solar panels, but what good are they if they're shading everything under the top growth.
  5. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    wow, nice buds. how long have you been flowering that?
  6. M

    Weed Wars

    yea, that was hilarious. that old man has definitely smoked some crack in his day.
  7. M

    frustration leads to desperation, get paid for your advice no joke please help!

    pretty sure there's more than enough people here willing to help you for free, man. what's your questions?
  8. M

    Think I am close to chopping?

    i'm on week 7, my plants look very similar. hairs are starting to turn brown as well. i'm going to feed them for another week, then flush for around 10-14 days
  9. M

    I made a big booboo...

    have they went back to re-veg? an entire week, man? is your system that automated where you can walk away from it that long w/o checking up on your babies
  10. M

    Turkey bags? Will they cure as good as glass jars?

    personally, i think they cure better than glass. at least in the beginning, when there's still a little moisture in the bud.
  11. M

    CLONES WITHOUT ROOTS... what am i doing wrong?

    clone-x has never let me down. a feeding every two days with a daily foliage spray works 100% for me. i also use a heating mat, don't know if that will help you
  12. M

    white powder on young stems and leaves. Mold....??!!

    a strong dehumidifer is the only answer. you can run high temps but you need air circulation, a dehumidifier, and an outtake fan.
  13. M

    Healthy Looking plants are drooping? wtf? pics

    they look beautiful, man. what was the ppm you were running?
  14. M

    Weed Wars

    showing a guy who has access w/unlimited bud steal to provide for a prescription pill habit is a double edged sword. i see the general complaint but it also shows you how messed up these pharmaceutical drugs can make you.
  15. M

    How long till you think i should harvest!

    i'd start flushing in two weeks
  16. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    yeah, i agree. the new pics look a bit more mature. probably around 1-2 weeks left, are you flushing yet?
  17. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    you've got at least 3 weeks left be glad, bro. you wouldn't want to cut and dry now. you'd end up with a very little yield
  18. M

    Look what the hydro store gave me for free

    that's amazing. the house and garden stuff is over 200 dollars alone.
  19. M

    Is weed that has or had Powdery Mildew still smokeable..??

    i'll tell you this much. once you've cured bud w/powdery mildew, you can spot it in other bud. pretty sure i've smoked more than my share of bud w/PM over the years now that i know what to search for. sucks but that's what happens when you don't grow your own flowers.
  20. M

    Lost all 10 of my plants today. One reason why mechanical timers are better!

    i have an auto turn off if temps get passed 85 for whatever reason